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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

lol... sigh @Phoenix_Rising i may have had one of those types of moments with my children today... now you're making me think whether or not that was important lol! 


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @TheVorticon 

Glad to see you here too!

I can't see any pics yet! * @NikNik are the photos coming? 😛

How are you Vorticon?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member the corgis have their little lifejackets on and are bobbing around the palace somewhere. 

@NikNik Nutella? I thought you were still cleaning the stuff out of your ears from last Friday?

Forumites keep an eye out for one waterlogged royal crown.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member This is my second week in the forums here Smiley Very Happy

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

oh phew!! Actually that would be so cute @Queenie ! I've only known one corgi though, and that one bit me pretty hard when i tried to say hello lol, so i'll be watching them bob from a distance!
@NikNik I think you're getting a nutella reputation!
@Queenie , I will be keeping my eyes out for a flash of gold! I might try it on if i find it though... just to see how it feels you know!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member, I like pesto! A healthy enough convenience food. Happy birthday to your lil boy, hope you all have a great day with or without the extras. Heart Woman Happy

@Phoenix_Rising, love your philosophical questioning of motherhood and role models. Smiley LOL

@Queenie, I'm stoked that my pesto idea has Royal approval now! By the way, your majesty, I found a crown just near the flooded school oval at the back of here. Gave it a wash and dry and came up looking okay, I thought. Maybe it's yours?

the crown that survived a flood

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CheerBear Yes, you are correct, that is how I pronounce cinnamon. So now you can picture me trying to say it, just like how Nemo struggles to say anemone. Smiley Very Happy

@NikNik Where did you park your nutella jar? Is it running low yet or is there an er...nutella station somewhere in Forum Land where you are able to fill up (in which case I expect you to divulge the location of this endless nutella supply immediately)?

@BlueBay I have had a chocolate pizza at Max Brenner's. Yum!!!!!!!!

@Faith-and-Hope Hi. I keep going to say hello and then I get sidetracked with this ridiculously fast paced conversation.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Littleshining1 I hope you're finding the forums helpful, and you seem to be finding your way around ok!! 😄 

I've had a long few weeks.. and havent been around as much of the forums,


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member corgis have a temperment of a pitbull at times.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I'm sorry you had a bad day @Former-Member ..... I hope you really enjoy the party prep, and I love your lil boy's attitude ..... ❣