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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

your welcome @Phoenix_Rising 😉 😉

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Goodnight @Phoenix_Rising - sleep well little turtle Heart

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Night @Phoenix_Rising. Thanks for the pumpkin 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I am going to take my leave from Friday Feast also everyone. As always it has been a joy Smiley Happy

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and catch you all next week (or around the forum somewhere)

Heart Zoe

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Goodnight @Phoenix_Rising and @Zoe7,

Pity I couldn't join in that much as I do love feasting with you Forumnites. But tonight was REALLY busy. Our little community has grown so much. Heart

Now I better get back to modding... 

Have a nice weekend everyone!

**looking around the dining table for leftovers**

** Finds tap dancing shoes instead**


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i didnt think that thread would go off like that too @Former-Member HeartHeart

I loved your company @Former-Member Smiley LOL

how is your weekend looking xx

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i guess it only takes one person to get the ball rolling doesnt it @Shaz51


my weekend is busy as per usual Smiley Frustrated

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jaya23 ..... 😊

Here is Friday Feast .... if you flick back through you will see it gets a bit raucous with people just jumping in everywhere, but you get a general idea of what everyone is up to, and just answer anything you want to .... it's the group dynamic that carries it forward.

I see you have met @Former-Member .... she will tell you we are an okay bunch.

Ask any questions you like to help you find your way around.  Maybe type a key word or two into the Search bar in regards to what is happening with your other half, and you might find similar stories.

Take care


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @NikNik @CherryBomb @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @utopia@Former-Member @Former-Member @Zoe7...and whoever else happens to be hanging out at Friday Feast tonight (my brain expires after a certain number of names!). Sadly, I have somewhere I need to be this evening so if I get here at all, it won't be until later in the evening. By then I think there's a good chance I might be suffering from a severe excess of human contact so if you can just pass food to me while I snuggle in my turtle shell, that will be great. I have spent the morning building this for you all to share...share being the operative word there @CherryBomb!!!   Have a fun evening, and hopefully I will drop by.

chocolate castle.jpg

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

For me?!  You shouldn't have! I've actually got a bit of hankering for chocolate.

Why thank you, @Phoenix_Rising.Smiley Very Happy
