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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh gosh yes please @CherryBomb I have been drinking so much water today and I still feel dehydrated. I am OK, been struggling with anxiety this week. I don't know why..

Hi to all my friends
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Phoenix_Rising, grill that ham and cheese, maybe with a bit of tomatoes, splash of pepper, yum.
@CherryBomb, yes pleeeeeeeeze! Lemon lime & bitters on the rocks for me, double banger, thanks 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb Giggle...ahhh the magical mystical world where the real and the virtual collides Smiley Happy No, I didn't go for a real swim. Do you want to know where I went? I will tell you all...but shhhhhh...I don't tell many people. I am learning to play the violin and I went to my lesson. I am still very much a beginner and I didn't really realise when I started how unusual it is for adults to start learning the violin. I am past the stage of sounding like a dying cat. Now I just sound like a seriously unwell cat Smiley Happy

Er... @CherryBomb that dessert was supposed to be for everyone to share and now you seem to have eaten half of it and about another forty percent of it is all over your face! {Wanders off to make more dessert for everybody}.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Wow @Jacques, xx

Hello @Former-Member xx

Yes @Former-Member, that is why i have not been around and I was feeling bad for not being here and sad because I wanted you all close to me xx

@CherryBomb, I have  been through a lot of emotions, lack of sleep being worried , and memories of 10 years a go when my Dad had a massive stroke and at 1am they rang me to say the my dad`s bdy was shutting down and then he died , soo the night of the surgery I could not sleep , and the nurse said to go back home 60kms away to get some sleep ---- right

but tonight I am feeling relieved , very tired , my body feels numb


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member I live in outer Western Sydney. I used to live on the coast where it never got this hot...but house prices sent me west Smiley Happy This is definitely unusual even for out here. Low 40s is fairly common at this time of year but yeah, these high 40s temperatures are something else.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb

similar dinner to yours except i didn't use tomotoes.  I used bacon, mushroom as wel as the creamy pesto sauce. 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 It sounds like you've had a really tough time lately. I'm glad to hear you are feeling so relieved tonight. I hope this means you will get a restful night.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


@Shaz51  I hope your mum recovers quickly and you get some rest 💜🤗

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

ohhhh Lemon lime & bitters on the rocks for me, @CherryBomb Smiley LOLSmiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz51 gentle hugs my friend. I hope your mum gets well soon.