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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb and everyone else

Fish and chips for dinner tonight.  I am so glad today is Friday.  Today didn't feel like a Friday because yesterday was a day off but i am so glad it is friday.

@Shaz51hope you feel better soon xxoo

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

fish and chips -- yum @BlueBay xx

thank you @BlueBay

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

How can he sleep through it @Shaz51 - I envy him that abikity. Although it must be frustrating for you at times.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


This is my first time checking into a Friday feast and now I feel shy Smiley Happy I had some tuna for dinner - how exciting! I just wasn't all that hungry. @Shaz51 I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm just curious...what is it like for you having your GP ask your psych about showing you the report? I very much live by the motto of "nothing about me, without me" and I can't imagine having a healthcare professional who refused (or was even hesitant) to show me a report. 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @utopia

It is from the medication he is on

before he was a very light sleeper , and overthinking would keep him awake for hours

but now with his meds , he sleeps all night and still wakes up very tired

it must be frustrating for you at times. -- yes the other night I could not swallow, I was thinking I would have to ring the ambulance as I can`t drive and it is so hard to wake him up



Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Were you talking to me @Phoenix_Rising?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Welcome to the feast at @Phoenix_Rising, pull up a chair, and make yourself at home.  If you're not hungry and I can make you a drink Smiley Wink 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member Er...yes. Can you tell I am very new to the forums Smiley LOLSmiley LOL

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb Thank you Smiley Happy Is there any coffee on offer? Virtual coffee is the only type I will have at this time of night. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Phoenix_Rising and welcome to the forum

how has your week been ?

live by the motto of "nothing about me, without me" , love this motto @Phoenix_Rising

I can't imagine having a healthcare professional who refused (or was even hesitant) to show me a report. -- I agree with you totally

My husband who has MI has cancelled psych and healthcare professional  help , so we are on our own , our last report was august 2015