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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @BlueBay


Great news about your son - I am proud for you -


The Thin Blue Line in my family is so wide no one will ever find their way out of it - my grandfather started it and I am not sure but I think his great great grandson is in the police force too - and there are even step-descendents in the police force


It's a great place for a career


You will sell your house - up here not far from you a lot of houses sold very quickly


And Jersey - I have to think now - a border-collie/kelpie cross - yes - she would be a clever dog


I have very little idea about my cat's bloodline except that both her parents were cats but she is very clever - too clever at times


But great - it does sound as if life has been really difficult but that will be wearing off as the year moves along - and I have an idea that many people feel flat through January



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Hi everyone!

It's FRI-YAY! Tonight I'm providing the ice cream sundaes.

How has everyone been this week?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @NikNik xx

yum ice cream sundaes -- I will have one please

we had salmon cakes for dinner

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Jacques for tomorrow , hope you have a wonderful day



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Salmon cakes are so good. Easy & yummy.

I bet @Jacques wanted us to forget it was his bday tomorrow. You're not getting out of it that easy Jacques 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh gosh @Shaz51 and @NikNik, thank you so much, you have both put a smile on my face. Thank you. This will be the first birthday in 17 years I am going to celebrate with mum.

Hugs to you all 🙂


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ha ha @NikNik xx

I think you may be right ay @Jacques

I have had a very big week and I want to say thank you to @Decadian, @BlueBay, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Faith-and-Hope, @PeppiPatty, @Bimby2, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @TAB, @Queenie, @Former-Member, @Angels333, @Zoe7, @CherryBomb for all the hugs and love

I hope I have not forgotten someone , sorry if I have

thankyou for your support xoxoxo

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 @Jacques

Here is a cake for you.. I made it myself Smiley LOL



I chose it because it reminded me of the hobby boats that I believe you use to make. 🙂




Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I love the cake @NikNik, @Jacques xx

Hello @Matt12, how are you tonight

come and join us for some cake and icecream xx

what did you have for dinner

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh gosh @NikNik, I am blushing, I still make the boats. Thank you so much

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Decadian
Thanks for your post. Sorry I didn't see it earlier. I'm feeling good tonight busy but ok.
Hope you're okay. How is your back?