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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member,I'm here too. I'm popping in and out throughout the night.

How has your day been?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Think leftovers is why I was so sick last couple days lol @utopia😬

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@TAB. My son is away at his dads this week. So when I cook myself a meal. I will eat that meal for 3 nights. I'm happy to eat the same thing. My son won't eat the same meal in the same week. lol.

How are you feeling now? Are you over the food poisoning.

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey, hi @,faith-and-hope,

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yeah mostly fine last 20hrs or so.@utopia. Got a bit loose re food hygiene think re me

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well it's over now @TAB. So don't worry about it. Just be very careful with meat and keeping it refrigerated.

Other than that, how are things?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I can be not that bothered re leaving cooked meat out, wel thought it was covered mostly was not a good sight this morning hmm things? I effed work around well not my fault but bad look. Credit card has gone was past scary. So will have to try for work at other places. Win with screen door this morning so it locks again so can leave door open when asleep re aircon. Turns out cooling system on car drove over nullabor was suspect well normal temperature ran fine just finding signs of things not right since back. Been in house since 6 Dec still haven't managed to buy sheets ok did, but wrong size so returned plus was in a hurry . Well you asked 😀 Just woke. Feeling alone and blabby lol

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@TAB. some things are going right for you. Good to have your screen door locked. Too hot to sleep in the house with all the doors and windows shut. I don't have screens on my windows. I can't afford them. So I have the back screen door that at least lets in a little bit of cooler air at night.

Why are you feeling restless today? Maybe because you've been couped up in the house while you were sick?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi guys, just checking in to say hi x

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well the car could have been a disaster but bit wiser now re checking fluid levels ie don't rely on overflow bottle and when filling turn heater on so the lines for that fill up too. @utopia guess bit edgy cos still dealing with xmas, family stuff is usually well buried plus health, finances, bit peeved cos was trying to get back in good books with work. Anyway not quite going doubt road, just worries. Plus going to hosp next week for colonoscopy. Yes, screens on most doors windows here just doesn't fit on back door which need open to for evap a/c. Usually fine sitting at home dunno