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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Faith-and-Hope  How's your day been. How's the countdown with D3 going?

just a heads up @Former-Member has written about her difficult day πŸ˜” on the sleeping thread tonight. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Former-Member πŸ˜˜

Thanks @Former-Member ..... πŸ˜πŸ’œ

Just found and answered it .... 

D3 is jumping through the hoops .... wearing on my nerves as she does .... late for school this morning ... derailed my organisation and my plans for the day .... grrrr .... but the important thing was that she got there .... βœ… .... and got another assignment in ..... βœ… ..... and has come home in a decent sort of mood .... βœ… .... and went to bed ..... βœ…

All good when you get past the frustration .... gotta shake it off .... moving forward is the focus here ....

🐾 .... getting through in baby steps .... 🐾


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Great to hear D3 is still on track @Faith-and-Hope. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for you. Sorry your plans were waylaid. I'm guessing you are frustrated but ok as long as she gets through it. I'm hoping you will have your time to be able to breathe and enjoy life a bit more soon. 

My son got accepted to Tafe today for next term so he's back on track for now. And he did talk to the psychologist and open up a bit and feels ok to go back. Phewww. That's all helped to calm my farm plus I had a coffee out in the real world with my phams support worker. And I think I'm a little too excited that I've made it through to now without going to hospital or SH. Hoping I'm through the worst. I really don't understand me at the moment but just trying to get through without overthinking TOOOOO much πŸ˜πŸ’œπŸ˜Š

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yay @Former-Member ...... 😊

Go you .... ❣

I think you will get used to making it through the rapids .... and the feeling of knowing that you can ....

Derailing my organisation is taking away from the wedding prep .... and time is starting to run short .... but thankfully we also get the "one door closes, another one opens" happening .... and so far, despite the frustration of having my house of cards getting knocked over lots .... I am still hpgetting them built back up .... and for that I am thankful ....

So good to hear about your son .... TAFE, and connecting with the psych .... 😊

I hope you can take a load off now .... and do something for you this weekend .... plan your Saturday morning to focus on something that makes a good difference for you, like a pamper .... maybe a walk up that hill with a coffee in your favourite cup ?  I hope there's a view ....

Or if the weather is bad .... soak your feet in a warm tub of water with something that smells really nice .... πŸ’—

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope. I knew tomorrow is a bit of a danger day so I have planned to go to the farmers market with my friend and then I think shes planning on us seeing Bridget Jones Baby. However my son is throwing a spanner in the works currently but I'm trying for a work around. The movie is on at the same time my son needs to be somewhere, I'm hoping we can find someone to pick him up. 

Good luck with the wedding plans. I'm guessing you only have two weeks left. It sounds a bit scary. πŸ’œπŸ˜Š

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sound like a great plan @Former-Member .... 😊 .... and you're onto it .... great "headlights" happening there ... ❣

I love farmers markets .... and I hope you get some great belly-laughs from Bridget Jones Baby ....

Can your son go early to his thing early ?  Or park up somewhere close by with a book or iPhone game till the right time ?  Just some strategies we use when there's a bit of a clash ....

Its a couple of weeks till the Kitchen Tea, then a few more till the big day .... tend to jp keep the "headlights" on low beam and just focus on the more immediate stuff to the part of the time-frame we're in ... like doing high school assignments really ..... πŸ˜†

Getting there ... wheels still on .... 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @BlueBay


I wonder how they can tell too - but maybe he is saying that to settle you - maybe that is not at all helpful for you right now


Sigh - I didn't have this for weeks like you are but I do know what you mean - when I first hurt my spine I was having all kinds of horrible tests and scans in hospital - and it was not bad enough that I had terror about having spinal surgery - I was freaked out at the sudden onset of pain in my spine I had not had before etc - and of course - I was admitted into a private hospital as an emergency and in spite of my high level of hospital insurance I was in a horrible little 4 bed ward with a bitch of a woman who seemed to think I was a total screw up - (which at the time I might have been)


But still - one of the tests I had was a mylogram - and after these it is necessary to lay perfectly flat to avoid severe headaches - and regardless - I got one of these headaches - I am sure you can imagine - and I freaked out sure I was having a stroke - and kept asking for the nurses to take my BP but no reassurance stopped my fears - they gave me something powerful for the headache after a while - and it went away for a while -


But then - the other side - the horrible patient giving me a hard time had to listen to me dry-reaching -


Still - I do remember how afraid I was and nothing anyone said eased what I was feeling and so I get it - sort of - what you are feeling


So - in one sense - yes - I think your worry is making the whole thing worse - but you have been stressed and stretched and pulled this way and that way and must feel like the meat in a horrible sandwich - a great piece of meat in a horrible sandwich


So - I don't have words of wisdom right now - but cut back on using the BP machine and look through the horrible fog - you can always go to hospital as you said - and that is a rest of sorts -


You have a lot of friends here - you are well thought of - we care about you



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member @NikNik @Faith-and-Hope & @Former-Member


Thank you so much for sending me hugs and well wishes, it really helped last night, i was so low, i managed to work through it but it was tough, it is nice to know their are people out their that care about me. 


I just wanted to thank you all for being my friends πŸ™‚



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ohhhhhhh A big thankyou to everyone who sent me  messages

when I saw them all , I cryed again

HeartHeart @Faith-and-Hope, @NikNik, @Jacques, @Decadian, @Former-Member, @Kurra, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @BlueBay

I hope everyone is ok today xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

meat  pie.pngLook what we had for dinner witthout that green stuff @Former-Member xx