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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member you can have some virtually healthy food here with us. Smiley Happy @Former-Member vegan pizza sounds delicious.

Are you ok @Former-Member? **hugs**


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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

๐Ÿ˜Š@Cherrybomb, I like the sound of virtual healthy..I may find new strength to get back on track again. Actually if I summons energy tomorrow I might go to a great vegan restaurant here with my little man who loves food anything!! If it tastes good, he's in!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb,

I am struggling from lack of sleep, and I crashed yesterdayday and the night before, I had a gaming friend say he was going to harm himself, I was struggling and I just fell apart. It makes me so sad so many of us are struggling

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ohhhhhh Hello @Former-Member, it is soooo great tooo seee you xx

pizza -- yum

Hello @Former-Member, Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

One slice coming up @Shaz51 - how are you? How you siatica going? Did the treatment help?

@Former-Member I love going going out to a good vegan restaurants. What's your favourite dish? I don't have a vegan restaurant per se. My local makes a pretty delicious quesadilla!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Appleblossom, @TAB xx

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @CherryBomb

No treatment yet -- stilll sore

seeing the iron overload specialist on monday

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Cherry bomb..I'm not sure. I do love a great Thai tofu, vegetable curry. Spicy I love.
When I was vegan I made sour cream tofu on baked potato with was so yum. And being vegan I felt no guilt lapping the sour cream on!!!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @Shaz51 I had sweet potato & pumpkin soup and bacon & eggs too ... with my cats ... my son left 3 rashers untouched .. showing great self control & regulation before he went off for weekend ... so I had heaps of food .. and munched bits of bacon and tossed bits to my other boys Cat HappyCat Happy  it was dreadful table manners but good fun.Woman Happy

@Jacques and @Former-Member Good to see you ...  regardless of struggles ... sometimes it is just showing up ..and you are both "good for my sore eyes" ... old friends ...Heart

Hi @Former-Member and @Bimby2

I am home alone ... and planning to do music. .. slept all day ..


Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone! I'm having a sleepover with my parents tonight. Haven't done that for ages. Mum's cooking steaks, potatoes and salad. Totally different from my usual fare (normally I'd be delighted to eat from @Former-Member 's plate lol), but the iron hit, in my case, probably won't be such a bad thing.
For those who are doing ok - big high five. ๐Ÿ™‚
For those who are not so ok, I'm thinking of you, and TGIF! X
Will try to keep checking in to the feast-a-thon, in between family politenesses.