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Re: The Beer Garden

Ahhh Kurra Barkeep 🙂

The cider is going down sweetly 😉

Re: The Beer Garden

Not such a bad drop eh? It's a good way to end the day.
Pity my glass is empty. .....

Re: The Beer Garden

Allow me to refill it for you 😄

Re: The Beer Garden

Thanks @BlueBells
Now I'm in heaven!

Re: The Beer Garden

Ahoy y'all!

Bear walks into the bar and says
"I'll have a gin and
tonic, thanks barkeep"
Barman asks
"Why the big paws?"

It's a better joke in person than written down.
Or maybe not...

Anyway GnT me thanks barkeep

Re: The Beer Garden

Here you go @CrazyDiamond the best gin you can find n tonic!

It's fabulous to see you here!!!  

Does anyone know where the Barkeep has gone?  He seems to have gone mizzling as my old Dad would have said. Mizzling = missing in the drizzle - WW2 vocab.

Re: The Beer Garden

cab sav please. It's been a long while between drinks. a-guy-walks-into-a-bar.jpg

Re: The Beer Garden

We can offer you a cab sav @mrkotter. We can offer you  a variety of Aussie cab savs or do you want one of those foreign vinos?

Nah, don't worry about that here's a top drop from the Margaret River.


Re: The Beer Garden

Great to see you, CD 😄

Hey Kurra 🙂

Senior Contributor 😄

Let's drink to that 😉 🙂

I'll have a Baileys, thanks barkeep 😉

Re: The Beer Garden

Oh crikey!  I can't find the Baileys @BlueBells!   Wait a sec, I've just fallen over a box.  Ahh, will a Baileys Biscotti do?  It's all I can find.  Well that's what you're getting anyway.  Just poured meself one too.

Cheers to all..... bottoms up!