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The Beer Garden

i encourage you all to join me for some casual drinking, social lubrication and light laughter right here in the beer garden.

Oh and before anyone gets up in arms about alcohol and its dangers the main beer on tap is VB or virtual beer

beer is the third most commonly consumed drink in the world behind water and tea 

why not share the worlds joy with friends



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Re: The Beer Garden

Ahoy Beer Gardeners and Gardenettes

the Beer Garden is a well maintained and fantastically serviced bar

complete with anything your heart desires

it is waited on by a kindly mustachioed fellow known as the barkeep

and oompa loompahs serve snacks and light meals round here

if you require service simply state beer me and a fellow beer gardener shall be in soon to do so or if you are so bold make an order from ole barkeep

Re: The Beer Garden

Barkeep think i shall partake in the absinthe tonight

some of the red shizzz plizzz


and beer me


Re: The Beer Garden

Hey Barkeep

I'll have a Mojito thanks, double shot.

Re: The Beer Garden

Pernod pleez

Re: The Beer Garden


Re: The Beer Garden

Hey barkeep 🙂

A cider, thanks 😉
Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Corona with lime please. 

Why is it that the only joke I can remember is:

Horse walks into a bar.  Barman says, why the long face?

It's not even funny.  But out of all the jokes I've heard over the years it's the only one that's stuck.

Re: The Beer Garden

Sorry service is a bit slow for the moment.   Still getting everything in shape after the move.

@GonePirate the Red shizz is ready now 

Mojito double shot is on the counter. Grab it before someone else does 

@BlueBells your alcholic cider is cold now

@Former-Member corona with lime poured to perfection

@Appleblossom your pernod is still waiting

Ahhh ...... the perfect end to a long day.

Cheers everyone!

Re: The Beer Garden

cider.. cider.. gotta get a cider inside ya..

arrr me talents are wasted not workin in marketin