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Re: The Beer Garden

ah glad to see some life here. i've been slack popping in

Re: The Beer Garden

Merry Christmas @plasmo ....

and @Former-Member ..... I didn't get back to you either ....

land @GonePirate ..... if Ye be around m'hearty .... ๐Ÿบ


Hi @Former-Member .... heading for bed .... slowly .... ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Former-Member


I'm glad your day was good - so was mine


Working at the zoo - now I bet that's not quite exactly as good as it sounds since my cousin who works at a cattery does not spend all day cuddling the clients


There are similar chores at the zoo I guess - no - I know - all animal have the similar habits and I am glad I don't have to go in after the tigers - I love cats - and tigers are wonderful - but - yeah yeah yeah - my cousin told me about her days at the cattery


 But I thought for a moment about a day at the zoo - I think in spite of the cool change overnight it is getting warm again and I was outside watering my vegies and yeah - I could feel the heat of the day arriving gradually - but I could walk to the beach


What a wonderful idea - but can I get the bus back? Not sure - but why not walk anyway


Catchya lata Ocean



Re: The Beer Garden

thank you for the callout @Former-Member

how are you today ??

Hello @Faith-and-Hope @Decadian @Appleblossom @PeppiPatty @Teej @Appleblossom @OverTheEdge @Briar @Lostboy @Kurra @darrenhayes @Zoe7 @TAWNEY @MoonGal @BlueBay @Silenus @GonePirate @Change123 @mrkotter @utopia @Queenie @BlueBells @aButterfly  Heart Heart Heart

well we are home again, looks like hubby still looks ok ,he is  a bit quiet though  , spending some time now on the computer with a glass of wine

hope everyone is ok xx

Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden


Hi @Decadian Smiley Happy Heart

Great to hear from you.

I am glad you had a good day yesterday.

Working at the zoo is quite interesting. There are various roles at the zoo but main role is interacting with the visitors and also making sure the wildlife/animals are okay too. Others work at looking after the animals (feeding & cleaning), horticultural and animal hospital.

Today I was mainly in the roo paddock and also in the land of the pariott. It was much quiter then expectated, I think. I had dinner with my parents tonight and that was lovely.

Hope you had a good day....

Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

I'm up for a lime soda water please bar keep ๐Ÿ˜
Non alcoholic for me today...don't think I'm keeping good pace on drinking..
Just made a creamy, ham, onion, spinach, mushroom, capsicum pasta..hit a spot.
Some leftover if anyone is peckish! โค๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: The Beer Garden

Sounds so yum @Former-Member .... โฃ

Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

My partner was most impressed, so a win too @Faith-and-Hope ๐Ÿ˜
I love pasta and could eat it often.
As long as gluten free etc!
A friend did an amazing mix of fettucine, chilli, green olive, broccoli pieces, bacon...his was much nicer.
People that do pasta well have a knack! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰

Re: The Beer Garden

Oh yes @Former-Member .... pasta is right up there on my favourite foods list ....


Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Hello! just interrupting, gate crashing threads, grog in hand, kind of a 'pub crawl' to wish you all a Great New Year!!! Stay Strong! ๐Ÿ™‚ xox

WT# what's the beer garden doing empty NYE? @TAB, where's ya air guitar?