21-08-2020 12:27 AM
21-08-2020 12:29 AM
21-08-2020 12:55 AM
21-08-2020 02:39 AM
21-08-2020 02:39 AM
Hey @Fluttershy1 nice to meet you, I woke up to find my D3 working all night on her Extension 2 HSC English major work due today at 3pm. I decided to stay up with her....
21-08-2020 02:43 AM
21-08-2020 02:43 AM
@TABs yes I am TABs :D. Am feeling mentally stronger and more able to communicate on the forums :). Hey to @Meowmy and @Bill16 , @Angels333 and @Fluttershy1 :Dxxx
21-08-2020 02:48 AM
21-08-2020 02:52 AM
21-08-2020 02:52 AM
@Angels333 Good morning Angels333 🙂 and good morning to you too TABs :). How are you both going?
21-08-2020 02:52 AM
21-08-2020 02:52 AM
.. the mighty bouncing Pea lol @greenpea (smiling) .. 3 of 4 you tagged def in long bed Id say lol
um thinking about trying to get approval to go and see dying (oh too slowly) father interstate lol
what happened with stroke or what was it ?
21-08-2020 03:01 AM
21-08-2020 03:01 AM
@TABs I think that would be a good idea TABs. To see your dad will put alot of your feelings to rest. I am seeing my mum today and it is always a powerful time ..... parents do that to you.
21-08-2020 03:08 AM
21-08-2020 03:08 AM
oh .. gosh shouldnt you be asleep @Angels333 ??..
are you out with the werewolves already GP @greenpea lol
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