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Re: Tabaluga's

Hi @Gremlin24 


Sweetheart,  it's completely understandable that you're feeling emotional. Please know I often feel this way. You have helped me.....


Something that's helped me, is tiny acts of self care like -

Putting moisturizer on my face.


Even just getting those essential groceries is a step. And if you don't feel up to it, that's okay too.


Being gentle is something iv learned......try not to beat yourself too much.... Perhaps all you can do is -


combing your hair,

washing your hands with warm water and nice soap, 

making yourself a cup of tea


  Please be kind to yourself

What would you say to someone else ? 


 How would you treat them?

Try to offer yourself that same level of care.

Iv lost count of how many people's houses iv cleaned for 6 months in the past to give them a helping hand. 


Do you know phone lines or forums to help ? Can I help you ? 


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

been thinking about doing a trip over to WA  @PeppyPatti  but cant justify it atm after I get some sort of work/and/or get next inheritance lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @PeppyPatti for the kind words. It's all just taking a toll at the moment. 


I got out of bed, did my hair, brushed my teeth and had to head to the shops. 


I've been listening to music and doing my colouring. I'm not able to do much as I've been having vivid flashbacks and keeping myself in the present moment and grounded is really a challenge. 


I'm always the one to offer suggestions to others when it comes to self care but actually doing them myself is hard. 


I haven't used the helplines lately after what happened. I come here to have that connection with people so I don't feel so alone. You help just by being here and chatting to me ❤️.

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks so good to hear @Gremlin24 . Thank you for letting us know that connection helps 🙂

Re: Tabaluga's

gday forum friends @Meowmy @TAB @StuF @Jacques how have you all been goin ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

not seen you for a while @Bill16  ? been bit of a bender, starting to dry out today

watched SA beat Vic in shield game so they will have home final now its on Kayo for free

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah went on a bit of a bender myself to tell you the truth ay @TAB my bro and me get on it properly when we catch up,just having some dry white with some cheese and crackers now

Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16 hey cool friend, nice to see you. Been thinking about you. Glad you're okay. Very hot here. Just trying to stay cool ha

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah was half thinking have a few quiet ones b4 bed, prob not hey @Bill16 

Re: Tabaluga's

hello cool friend @Meowmy thankyou for thinking about me,i hope you have been well