7 hours ago
Have you got a copy mate @Jacques hope you are well, fish and chips for dinner?
7 hours ago
@Bill16hey cool BIll, nice to see you. Hope you are having a good day. Still at work here. one hour and half to weekend. Take care
7 hours ago
Hello @Meowmy hope you have a nice weekend, just at the dentist
7 hours ago
How’s life?
I just went grocery shopping and checked the lotto. Didn’t win anything unfortunately. I was hoping to pick up a few dollars so I could buy my daughter some scratchies. We spent way too much. Starting to pick up some stuff for Christmas day.
7 hours ago
which house did you buy @Bill16 ? 😥
got to be done sooner than later , mate.. maybe go there w olds or brothers , dunno
6 hours ago
Hello @TAB have lost according to the scales. It was ever since I did sonic acupuncture. Feeling calm and blissed out all day every day. I used to have that feeling after acupuncture with needles in the past but its good feeling like this every day.
Looked up whether you can shed extra using this method and it did say bloating goes away but its not a quick fix. Says it helps thyroid and metabolism though which regulates body mass. My acupuncturist used to cost $65 so it was kind of pricey then i just went to a GP for bulk billed acupuncture with integrative care.
6 hours ago
@Bill16hey cool BIl, good luck with dentist. enjoy a good weekend
6 hours ago
@TABhey tabby, two more clients and forty five minutes to weekend ha
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