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Re: Tabaluga's

Aren't you volunteering this week man,that's something to look forward to ay @StuF picking up board at 8:30 tomorrow morning 

Re: Tabaluga's

Oh I am looking forward to it @Bill16 ...good point...Might go for a drive, too


Great stuff re picking up the board tomorrow!

Re: Tabaluga's

Cool @StuF went for a Sunday cruise with mum and dad 

Re: Tabaluga's

Sweet @Bill16 


Good weather for it?

Re: Tabaluga's

Not the best ay @StuF good to get out of the crib for a while but

Re: Tabaluga's

Indeed @Bill16 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey guys @Meowmy @StuF @Bill16  slept half the day here, feel a lot better now though.

Penny has finally dropped that other cat that comes here is only after food, and has just as much right to it as now fat cat that has adopted me.

going to have to work out a way of keeping them apart although I suspect its a lot of show for me, they prob get on ok when Im not there.

Finally had a shower. think missed 2 days at least, was getting a bit sticky, kept thinking of reassons not to have a shower, too cold, forgot, too late at nite etc. Geez feel way better but now just want to hop in a bath which dont have lol..

Brothers team in SANFL lost so am about to dine out on that for a bit

Got optometrists appt tomorrow afternoon.  might change oil on car some time too. also thinking about trying job agencies would be nice to get a few days work b4 eof FYR so can claim all I spent on the course ha ha lol

think due for a walk tomorrow, still stiff from absolute minimum weights other day

Have sussed out where local gym is , went and looked, no hours on window, theres fb page and some person who says tell me if coming to next class or i wont bother .. huge building tho , god knows whats inside it ..

think might bet onto no drink pills soon, had put it off, internet says conflict w pain pills etc, guess just do what dr said. if they are wrong I will know as will knock me around a bit. Goal at this stage is to try and only drink 1-2 days a week, not sure if can, but will try

Re: Tabaluga's

hey @Bill16 not a lot going on here mate, just some gardening and some work on the bike

Re: Tabaluga's

I wonder how many more cats will 'adopt' you @TAB ?! lol


I hope the optometrist goes well and good luck with job agencies 🙂


And all the best for the no drink pills...may they not knock you around too much and help you towards your goal

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

GP is normally pretty thorough and other GP years ago when tried it for few days did the same (?) ie no mention re pain pills and I didnt ask

think I am taking things out of context.(how could that be?) plus zero medical training  ..but heyy ..I know what s what ?? ...

@StuF  just scared of doing it, may as well smash one now lolo..

hey, just scored dresser thingo for kitchen, had been looking at identical ones , but let them go. $100 and around the corner and they will deliver lol

