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Re: Tabalugas

Yes @TAB checked them out on ebay - they have foil with a spongy insulation insert inbetween. They look better than Renshade, plus you can put in the roof. Didn't see any ones with pin dot holes to see through.  Its good they are out now. A great concept. Just checking out a local Aussie who does free energy inventions. Hes been working with technology all his life, he's a lovely genteel person, impish almost. Like a modern day Tesla.  A delightful man with a big legacy for the future generations

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

were generally in rolls re foil and remember slotted holes re see thru @Former-Member maybe just google, would be on more chinese sites like alibabi and cant think of other names but markets like ebay

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, enjoy outing to shops. Done kettlebells. Need to pay some bills etc


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

ha , I went to servo instead , keep low profile lolo... asked myself ;why' ? think cos no pine lime splice in freezer at supermarket lol ............... @Meowmy 

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, very good re servo. Done all chores for.the day. Had a shower. . Just chill now.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

.. I tried putting something over aircon unit outside to cool air a bit before goes in  need to get proper shade  cheap from stratco plus look nicer. @Meowmy 

think better outside lol only 8% humidity plus breeze

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, thirty give degrees here. Hot sun outside. Warm at home but not too bad.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

its usually worse if hot night before @Meowmy  think might look for some cloths and soak them. need spray bottle lol lost it

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

I think @TAB meant this for you @Former-Member 

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, heating up in room now. Got air con on. Burning outside ha