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Re: Share a cuppa?

I've never heard of Simon Singh. As you've probably noticed, I have so little time that I make to do such things. But yes, I will note it down and source some of this literature to have a squiz 🙂


A qual analysis is actually so so hard because there's nothing 'concrete' you are testing or analysing. There's no hypothesis or concept you are researching. Rather, it's "Here is all this data.. turn it into information"



Re: Share a cuppa?

@Abner , Hey mate. How are you? I've been thinking about you and wanted to check-in to see if you are okay.

Re: Share a cuppa?


Could do with some company... I need someone to actually care right now...

Re: Share a cuppa?

I'm here @avant-garde want to have a cuppa together? I'm gonna pop the kettle on 

Re: Share a cuppa?


I would like that

Re: Share a cuppa?

What's your drink of choice @avant-garde? Are you a coffee or tea drinker? Or a hot choccie? 

Re: Share a cuppa?


I technically drink all 3 but right now is a hot chocolate mood

Re: Share a cuppa?

Love a hot chocolate, so nice and comforting @avant-garde 

I'm having a coffee

Anything you need or want to chat about? What's going on for you at the moment?

Re: Share a cuppa?


It's just all so much right now and I'm tired of holding it all together

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah I hear you @avant-garde Having to be so strong all the time gets exhausting. 

What do you feel like you need at the moment?