27-08-2023 09:15 PM
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27-08-2023 09:15 PM
27-08-2023 09:15 PM
27-08-2023 09:16 PM
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27-08-2023 09:26 PM
27-08-2023 09:26 PM
Hugs @ArraDreaming .
Secretly (or not so secretly now), I'm so very proud of how far you have come 🙂 It's about progress, not perfection. And you are right on the ball with progress 🙂
Remember I once asked you for a list of indoor plants? Why don't you look into getting some for yourself. I know your other half can't keep things alive, but YOU can! (However, does having a plant mean the boys or dog will get into it?)
I really do like indoor plants. Don't ask me what I have because I don't know the names. My current favourite is the Angel's Tears plant.
Come on, Mrs Jay can keep a succulent alive - right? .....hrmmm
27-08-2023 09:33 PM
27-08-2023 09:33 PM
27-08-2023 09:38 PM
27-08-2023 09:38 PM
Ohh I have a few houseplants, only one I know the name of is anthurium (purely because of Animal Crossing, haha!)
I’ve had that one in particular since 2020, and I’m so surprised it’s stayed alive since then. It’s tried to shrivel up a few times, wasn’t taken care of when I was away at places I didn’t want to be (aka not home), and forgotten about occasionally, but it still fights to stay alive.
kinda relatable when I put it that way
27-08-2023 09:39 PM
27-08-2023 09:39 PM
27-08-2023 09:53 PM
27-08-2023 09:53 PM
Hey there @_PixieSolstice_ 🙂
Great to see you.
Indoor plants are awesome.
And @ArraDreaming , LOL.... so it sounds like Mrs Jay really IS that bad when it comes to plants! Yikes! And I thought I was bad. So the next joke might me, "How does tyme become a good gardener?" - "when compared to MrsJay" lol.
Anyway, I'm heading off now. I'll chat later in the week 🙂
Have a good one!
27-08-2023 09:54 PM
27-08-2023 09:54 PM
28-08-2023 07:30 PM
28-08-2023 07:30 PM
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