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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @Hope0011 ! Welcome Welcome!


So good to have you with us. Firstly, what e-cuppa would you like? I'm taking orders 🙂


Also, I loved reading your BIN or BANK statements! Great reflection! I find it helpful to reflect on parts of my journey in order to grow. It's also an encouragement for me because I can see how far I've come in my journey. Sometimes, it's hard to see growth when you are in the mix of a situation.


Let me know what cuppa you'd like, and I'll serve it up.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @Shaz51 ,


I'll make you a cuppa. Let's sit and have a chat.


Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 8.04.46 pm.png

Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks @tyme 


Can I please have a soy latte!


Yep, on the days where it feels like it's 2 steps backwards, reflecting can make it feel like 2 smaller steps!

Re: Share a cuppa?

Sure thing! Coming right up @Hope0011 !


Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 5.35.06 pm.png


How was your day today?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hello @Hope0011 , @tyme , @ArraDreaming , @Abner , @Bow 


We have a heatwave warning in place for today 😲

Hearing lots of thunder around now but no rain 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yummo - thanks @tyme 


It was a bit disappointing. I have been really healthy the past month. I joined Noom which is THE BEST!  I often use food as a way to cope but today I succumbed to Dominos at lunch. Tomorrow's a new day though.


And your day?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Which region are you in @Shaz51 ? How hot does it need to be to get a heat warning?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Far north Queensland @Hope0011 

Usually it is our wet season where we get 100 mms a day 

But not this summer , it has it is 36 degrees but feels like 39 degrees 

How are you going today @Hope0011 , @tyme , @Lioness , @maddison , @Eve7 

Re: Share a cuppa?

I just put the kettle on, how ya all going? I'm a nutter- I hear voices! 

I'm 80 and still above the ground, and intend to stay that way. My biggest issue is boredom. 

I'm handicapped but can get around. Anyone about who knows the secret how to beat boredom. I can only listen to Country Music for so many hours, the TV and internet drag on.

Any ideas? 



Re: Share a cuppa?

That's seriously warm @Shaz51 I hope you are able to keep cool.


I am moving from Melbourne to the central Qld coast in January. Everyone is warning me about the humidity, but as I sit here with a shawl and my heater on I am looking forward to some warmer weather. Not 39 though!