15-12-2022 02:33 PM
15-12-2022 02:33 PM
going to throw out it out the window and then drive over it with my car in a minute
15-12-2022 02:33 PM
15-12-2022 02:33 PM
Oh @ArraDreaming , I'm soooo sorry to hear.
As nice as it is to be 'needed', I hear sometimes we just need a break, eh? I've just sent you a quick email 🙂
Hugs, tyme
15-12-2022 02:37 PM
15-12-2022 02:37 PM
Hope this cool drink is okay @Bow 🙂 If not, I'll make another
15-12-2022 02:41 PM
15-12-2022 02:41 PM
That looks yum @tyme !
how r u today? How has your day been?
15-12-2022 02:59 PM
15-12-2022 02:59 PM
I've had a pretty good day. @Bow . Thank you for asking.
I heard this conversation on the radio today - along the lines of reflecting on 2022. Bin or bank?
That is, what are the parts of this year that you'd like to bin, and what are the parts of this year that you'd like to bank?
So I've been considering.
These are the things I'd like to bank:
- connections I've made on the forums
- networking with people
- my growth in interpersonal skills
- relationships with family members
These are the things I'd like to bin:
- misunderstandings people have had with me
- ....I'm still thinking of others.
Thoughts @Bow ?
15-12-2022 03:06 PM
15-12-2022 03:06 PM
Ooooh good pondering material @tyme
I’d bank;
- our overseas trip
- my team/ supports that I have around me, including the forums
- the progress I’ve made with my mental health? However small it is?
-the birth of my niece
I’d bin;
- my attempts?
- my families health battles
- my ex? Haha
hmmm still thinking …..
15-12-2022 03:10 PM
15-12-2022 03:10 PM
Oooo! You have new niece?! Awwww! @Bow
By the way, was it sorted about whether your brother is coming to visit you?
15-12-2022 03:24 PM
15-12-2022 03:24 PM
Yep, she was born in June @tyme super cute and lotsa hair!
yeah, his not coming up. I spoke briefly to him on the phone the other day for his birthday… mum gave me the look and made me! Still a fair bit annoyed with him after what he said.
took daughter to the dr this arvo. Dr couldn’t find anything wrong with her except for a red throat, but she doesn’t have a sore throat or anything. Temp is still high this arvo, so has started antibiotics. Sad that she is missing out on her schools Christmas festival tonight, but we are close enough that we will get a good view of the fireworks tonight.
15-12-2022 05:06 PM
15-12-2022 05:06 PM
Hi @ArraDreaming and @tyme , I hope you don't mind me jumping in for a cuppa. I am fairly new here.
@ArraDreamingtechnology sucks sometimes and it can be very stressful when there are time limits and people are nagging you. I had a stressful morning losing a program I need for my work. I finish at this job on the 23rd, so was stressing big time. It ended up an easy fix thank goodness.I hope your afternoon has improved.
@tymeI love the idea of bank or bin it.
I would bank:
-finding my values
-deciding to have a major life change in January next year which is scary but exciting
-learning better skills for communication
-being vulnerable and taking a few friendships to a new level of trust
-learning about schemas and DBT (finally I am beginning to make sense of things)
I would bin:
-thinking I am my diagnosis
-other people using mental health as a scapegoat
-always thinking I am defective when it may have something to do with the people around me!
15-12-2022 05:07 PM
15-12-2022 05:07 PM
Hello @tyme , I think I have missed you today xx
Hello @Bow , @ArraDreaming , @Abner , @amber22
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