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Re: Share a cuppa?

By “help” he thinks that means eat everything and dig random holes in the soil… and yes I am talking about a human believe it or not @tyme

Re: Share a cuppa?

That's just way too cute @ArraDreaming - geez I love kids. They make my day.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Most of the time they are cute they’ve both got to an age where they fight even though it’s hilarious @tyme 

ahyway what’s on for your weekend 

Re: Share a cuppa?

I love watching the kids 'fight' and then problem solve @ArraDreaming  - it's all part of growing up and is quite healthy for them. I think sometimes, as adults, we interfere too much.


Anyway, for this weekend, I'm in the middle of moving house... I'm living in between 3 houses and it's doing my head in. I have one pair of shoes in one house, another pair in another, and others elsewhere. Same with clothes....


I'm waiting for a carpenter to build a new wardrobe in my new place, so at the moment, I don't have clothes in the new house. I slept at the new house yesterday, woke up, and realised I didn't have my hairbrush or toothbrush with me! I have a set at my other houses... arghhh.


My brain is everywhere! 

Re: Share a cuppa?

it’s actually so funny to me @tyme the youngest one has learnt to pinch people (and no it’s not good) and will just go up to his brother sitting quietly causing no dramas and stirs up trouble to get his attention and it cracks me up. he just gets this look on his face. 

oh 3 houses!! I can see why that’s stressful. When will you be in just 1? @tyme 


Re: Share a cuppa?

LOL @ArraDreaming - I don't know if I'll ever be in just 1 house. I really don't. As I said, still waiting for things to be done in the new place, need things to be fixed in one of the old places and so I'm sleeping at the third. Meh? Also means I have to mow the lawn at all three properties!


Each house has it's benefits:

House 1: swimming pool, bbq - go there for guests and when it's hot

House 2: big, homely place - go there when it's cold for the heater

House 3: small, quaint cottage - go there when I want to be away from everyone 


As for your kids, wait till the biting starts! You'll soon hear this wail come out of no where and you'll know the younger has bitten the older.


They keep you on your toes, eh?



Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh wow so you got options! I’d personally be investing in a gardener but if you’ve got the time! I’d do work for lots of people with multiple properties when I was self employed, sometimes I’d just rotate between their houses espexislly the ones with rental properties. I once worked for a guy who had 12, he kept me afloat for a while there. 

oh, no, the biting started at the same time as the pinching, it’s a bit of an issue at the minute @tyme the pinching, not great, the biting, absolute torture. I thought the term ankle biters couldnt be taken all that literally until I got bitten on the ankle. He also says “up” if he’s in bed with us and wants us to get up and will keep saying it until someone gets up and if you keep ignoring it he bites you. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Ankle biters @ArraDreaming ! OMG I love your stories. Biting, pinching - they love the squeal that comes after it. 


Once their communication improves, hopefully these behaviours will stop.


Do you have a pet to keep the boys occupied?

Re: Share a cuppa?

No but, we have been looking after Mums dog since she passed away and I think we will end up keeping her @tyme 

Re: Share a cuppa?

What kind of dog is he @ArraDreaming 

Hello @tyme