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Re: Share a cuppa?

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@creative_writer - here's your herbal 🙂


Actually, I'm going to have one of yours too.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Not for too long, on and off until this year  now a bit more regular , I like it good to connect with others @Former-Member 


hey @Shaz51  how are you? 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

This is my first night @ArraDreaming and from what I have seen this is great community! Connection is very grounding. Thank goodness for technology!

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @ArraDreaming 

Hope you are going OK with all the rain 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah it’s pretty cool how we can connect with so many people from anywhere in the world now, I’m only 27 and I remember when I was a kid the idea of being able to email someone at school was so cool (i remember learning how to use internet) and now it’s just part of our every day @Former-Member 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @tyme @Shaz51 @Shaz51 Absolutely exhausted and going to bed. Too tired for a cuppa.. Hope you are well and good things have been coming your way 😊.


So happy to hear of your Mum's successful transfer @Shaz51 xx

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hope you have a good sleep tonight @Former-Member ❤❤

Re: Share a cuppa?

We are ok here @Shaz51 I am a little worried about our house, we have had some downpours in here but not as bad as they are talking about this time, so I’m watching for leaky roof etc. We won’t flood here but our river walks are out, river is very high covering the walking tracks, took the boys down for a look at it today 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Glad that you won't get flooded @ArraDreaming 

I bet the boys enjoyed the walk and did they get wet xx 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Ha ha @ArraDreaming, I am little older than you and had to use pen and paper. It is a very easy world in terms of communication now and so great for connecting with family or friends overseas, minority groups, like minded groups and work! Imagine what our kids kids will have?!?