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Re: Share a cuppa?

Good morning @Paulette, @Former-Member, @tyme, @ArraDreaming, @Shaz51, @NatureLover, et al, I hope you all have a great day. I've just had porridge and black coffee as I've run out of milk, and have done some cleaning, and now about to practise. I'm looking forward to rehearsal this afternoon and tomorrow morning I'm buying another suit which I shall wear for a concert on Saturday. I also have a rehearsal of Collegium Musicum tomorrow afternoon.
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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Abner hope your rehearsal goes well this afternoon 😊 and you have a great day too.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Former-Member, it was a good rehearsal, my William Byrd is improving, and so are the English folk songs, and listening to the Khosidl "Yiddish Dances" has given me a better idea of how bouncy and bright that work is. Paul, our conductor suggested the recording of it to listen to on YouTube. I did a half-hour rowing workout (I'll bump the resistance up quite a bit on Thursday) and then had a bath, shampooed and conditioned my hair and beard, put on beard balm beard butter and oil, combed the hair and, put a change of clothes on, got my trumpet and walked to rehearsal. I got there with 20 minutes to spare, so I helped the stagehands set up by putting out the merimbas, tubular bells, timpani and kettle drums and the cymbals. Then we had a 2 hour rehearsal straight through, I thought I was going to have a few minutes rest because my lips were getting tired, but that didn't happen, they weathered it quite well, though I won't practise tonight, but my jaw isn't tired at all. Anyway I'm home now, resting and thinking about dinner.
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Re: Share a cuppa?

Sounds like a big day @Abner are you a professional trumpet player ?


My day was quite ; did some 

Cleaning, had an Appoinent and went for a swim.


Had dinner though salmon and salad. Tried to attend a support group this morning early, however was cancelled. Quite tired so possibly an early night for me.


Let me know if you want a cuppa after your evening meal 😊.

Re: Share a cuppa?

I'm not professional yet, but at this stage in my life I'm putting myself out there to perform with amateur and semi-professional ensembles. I discovered a talent for music later in life and it's been a lifelong wish to study music, and that talent has been a lifeline through the defamation and ensuing traumas.
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Re: Share a cuppa?

I am pleased it brings you so much peace @Abner.

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Re: Share a cuppa?

@Paulette Hi how are you doing ? 😊🌹Cheers.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @Abner how are you? I got your tag from this morning, don’t spend a lot of time on here. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @ArraDreaming I'm well, I should say as well as I can be, I still have some revisits from the traumas I suffered, and I had a visit from the grief part, but otherwise ok.  I'm having a late night because I'm paying bills online, phone, light...  I'm about to go to sleep now as I'm tired now.  I watched the end of "Savage River*, rivetting!  Drop in for a cuppa tomorrow if you want, or I'll drop you a line.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks @Abner got busy today so couldn’t come on