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Memorable moments of 2016


It's that time a year again, where many of us, ask ourselves, 'where has the year gone by?!' I don't know about you, but for me it has flown by. Seems like yesterday that had Christmas on here. 

As a community, it's a good time of year to look back at the past year and reflect on what made this year here on the SANE Forums. What stood out for you? Perhaps there's a memorable post? Is there something funny that happened on here? Is there an achievement that stands out for you? Share you memorable moments of the SANE Forums community here.

A couple of my most memorable moments are:

Looking back, 2016 was pretty action packed here on the Forums! What about you, what moments stand out?

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Re: Memorable moments of 2016

Thinking @TAB birthday was pretty memorable ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’œ

Re: Memorable moments of 2016

Seems like years ago now lol. Meeting you guys for me maybe ๐Ÿ˜บ

Re: Memorable moments of 2016

Definitely @TAB birthday party at the beer garden. It really felt like a true celebration with good caring friends. I really felt like I was there.
And number 1 would have to be - simply finding this site and the wonderful people on here.

Re: Memorable moments of 2016

Yes was spontaneous fun๐Ÿ˜€ And people got into it, including me it was a fun thing๐Ÿ˜

Re: Memorable moments of 2016

It really did feel real and wasn't about me just a memorable 'pop up' party ๐ŸŽ‰ hi utopia ๐Ÿ˜€
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Re: Memorable moments of 2016

Wish I was around to join your party @TAB sounded fun! I think I joined just after, but this year has been greatly improved by meeting everyone on these forums and learning so much from you all, it has really insipred me to continue to learn more about others and how they cope with life's stressors. Look forward to learning even more through this extra stressful period too ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks everyone!

Re: Memorable moments of 2016

Hi @TAB. I've been away for a few weeks. Feels like forever. I hope you are well. Maybe we can catch up in the Beer Garden tonight and I can catch up on all your news.

Re: Memorable moments of 2016

That'd be good๐Ÿ˜€ Or can tag u in my latest hangout Tabalugas lol re threads

Re: Memorable moments of 2016

That sounds great ๐Ÿ˜€ Can't remember which mod was there, but they may have joined in a bit as well. Can still read it but it really felt like a real party with real friends was start of Oct