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Re: Good Morning!


So much fuss to hopefully find nothing!

Re: Good Morning!

Good luck for bowel prep and colonoscopy @TAB . I'm overdue. Last time I had to start prepping 2-3 days out. Then I had to have someone pick me up and stay with me overnight. I had two a week or, two apart. Not sure what you're supposed to do if you haven't got anyone to help you.

Re: Good Morning!

yeah wondering now if their 36 hour fast was intentional or they stuffed the numbers up @StuF lol 

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah I had same problem @Dimity 


Brother died of bowel cancer so supposed to get them regularly but we were not raised in same household and my eating habits were very different to his, so I am betting on that, and not the averages of stats.


Good luck @TAB Its bloomin awful. Yeah you are nuts for wanting it ... lol but maybe better safe than sorry..  ...idk


Hey @Former-Member @Shaz51 @StuF @MDT 



Re: Good Morning!

from vague memory had coffee day before and maybe 1 'meal' @Dimity who knows

yeah, going to lie to them tell them have someone to check up on me.

They said okay to let me leave by myself , just has to be someone at home. last time they werent going to let me leave hospital. I had told them from the start had no one to pick me up then it was always a big drama, like they had not read notes plus too scared guess.

funny, they let me out after thyroid op okay, really did not care,

once you are out of the ward you are gone, realised after last colonoscopy could have just walked out when they started getting weird

Re: Good Morning!

Trigger Warning


druther have few polyps removed like last time than get a bag @Appleblossom  maybe they have a stoma bag date site. ok they prob do, not as if have a love life as it is, but cant imagine that would help 

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB they wouldn't book me in without my giving them contact details of my support.  Haven't really got anyone this time around.

Re: Good Morning!

I told them dont have anyone, they  said have to have someone. will make sh!t up if have to. last couple times just signed a release and left @Dimity 

Re: Good Morning!


Well i know for me they make me do longer than that now because the flushing doesn't work properly on me!

Re: Good Morning!

yeah whatever I read said 'clear' and they never said had done anything wrong yet get this dunno @StuF