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Re: Good Morning!

Afternoon all

Re: Good Morning!

What's happening @MDT ? 

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @FloatingFeather @TAB @Former-Member @StuF @Former-Member @Shaz51 @hanami @Paperdaisy and all forumites here. I hope your Tuesday afternoon is going well for you. Warning- minor vent below!


As for me, I’ve just had my appointment with the psych registrar and my case manager and to say I’m annoyed is a little tame to be honest. Both of them are leaving the community health service soon which I’m not really concerned about because both of them struggled to get things done for me, especially my case manager with whom I had to follow up in things endlessly so I’m happy to see her go. As for PARCS, the psych registrar tried to tell me that whilst an admission would be good for my depression, they still might change my new med by increasing the dose which I’m doubtful of and that I need to exercise daily to fill in my time. I had to inform him that I don’t find exercise fun despite knowing it’s good for me and to let it go. I also had to tell both of them that I’d done research into depression and know that getting into a routine is important to stop the illness from developing even more to the point of hospitalisation and that’s why PARCS would be good for me, especially if I’m to continue with my mental health course and actually complete it once and for all. The psych registrar also said he wanted me to use my NDIS package to get a support coordinator involved to help me find a support worker because he thinks I need it. He is refusing to believe I’m on a wait list for a support worker for several organisations and that there is a shortage of MH support workers in my area and I believe, in the whole NDIS system as a whole, which there is. I’ve had a support coordinator in the past who wasted my money and selected the MH organisations she felt would best support my needs only to find out that they weren’t suitable and yet, didn’t like it when I refused to have them as my service provider. Even my old psychiatrist believed that MH and NDIS struggled to fit each other because most services are designed for physical disabilities and not for psych illnesses which has different needs and requirements for this group of people. Therefore, I wasn’t impressed with what the psych registrar said and wanted. Basically, I was just glad to finish the whole appointment and say goodbye to both of them.


As long as I get my PARCS admission, I’ll be happy to be honest. I just need some space to refresh my whole outlook on life and having a ‘holiday’ at PARCS should help me. There will be time for me to relax as well as maybe help out with some cooking - I’m going to actually ask to cook the nightly meals this time and try to learn to enjoy cooking which is something I struggle with as I don’t enjoy and help my housemate with this when I get back home- so that’s a positive for me in that regard. I’d also like to try and get back into doing some reading for pleasure as well which I’ve been neglecting so there are some goals there as well. 

Thanks for reading this entry. 


Re: Good Morning!

Hope it goes okay @Judi9877  sometimes just have to accept that 'services' just run by self interested seat warmers .. 😅 if you cant change it just let it blow over you maybe

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Judi9877 


Thanks so much for updating us on how things are with you. It's so good that you're proactive when it comes to your mental health. 


Sending big hugs


Re: Good Morning!

Just clocked off @TAB
Home to go to the range and shoot a bucket of balls
Been on top of my fitness this week. It's good.
Trains late lol

How are you?

Re: Good Morning!

Nice one @MDT  You're sounding okay.

um few hassles sorted here , others fading away. Prob staying here longer than originally planned. Overseas inheritance now it play after dumb luck and manoeuvring. So have lawyers on board so best to get it sorted before I leave. Things ok . Not been getting anywhere with fitness. Got colonoscopy Friday plus had thyroid out November so things getting ticked off. Just need to focus 

Re: Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

Ohh everyone left you hanging @Shaz51 

hey @Bill16 

Re: Good Morning!

G'day @TAB what's your poison