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Re: Cards for the day

Good Luck @Kurra

I call it being conservative with my energy ... which I need to do from time to time.


Re: Cards for the day

Calm and Moderation is great Monday day cards too are'nt they @Kurra....

Re: Cards for the day

Hi @Appleblossom

My cards today are moderation and peace.

I am taking @Kurra s word from her and asking her if we can share moderation....

Peace because last night, there were a few dramas around where I live and I don't need either Mr g or me to become anxious.

Last night, I went to the beach for 2 hours, taking Arlo for a walk.......He was having a great time but get this......It was too dark to give him a bath in the water !!

Re: Cards for the day

@PeppiPatty I wish I could master some moderation but alas greenpea will always be ...Image result for bouncing pea

Re: Cards for the day

My cards today are patience and endurance.
Patience to accept the day as it comes. Endurance to get through the day in sound mind.

Re: Cards for the day

I like the sound of Patience and Endurance too @utopia .... think I will choose those two for my week ....

Re: Cards for the day



Thank you !! 

I think that Mr G and I are stressed re' Christmas and it feels a good idea to just being alone and think of two good qualitites.......



Re: Cards for the day

Dear @greenpea

Bouncy cute. I like how you think very much. Where I l live, people can't let go of little slips of the tongue or mess up talk very can get quite upsetting. ......

thank you for being normal........

My cards for the week are: support and peace. 

I want to support my friends and family

I want more peace to come in my thinking.......


Re: Cards for the day

My cards today are

patience and endurance.,

@PeppiPatty. @Faith-and-Hope, @utopia, @greenpea, @Appleblossom Woman Happy