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Re: Cards for the day

Dear @greenpea

I just think that if we just concentrate on that card for the day.....or afternoon........or maybe week........

I dont know if we can let go of our anger or hurt straight away......

maybe we or you use focus to put into other parts of ourselves. 

Like: using focus to just today and then, maybe do what is right for you to reflact on that word if you want.........

Or if we are ready to think about how focus can change the parts of ourselves.

I dont think that if you look at forgive straight feels a bit much. Sorry to be so upfront. 

Re: Cards for the day

omg...  @Former-Member your words are great.....

I really like disipline. I wish there was more out there for ourselves hey.....I wish I had more dicipline in my daily program.........

Grace is a beautiful word........

Re: Cards for the day

yeah .. Show me some Discipline as the Sunny Boys once said. @PeppiPatty

Re: Cards for the day

Re: Cards for the day

@PeppiPatty Hi PeppiPatty I think forgiveness is a personal thing each to their own. Sometimes I just have to forgive regardless of what evils were done to me otherwise I get bitter and hateful and I would feel 'they' have won. For me I would hate them to see me focusing all my energy on hating them when I could be enjoying the most simplest of pleasures like I am right now sitting here and talking to you and having a cup of coffee.

Like I said each to their own. Everyone deals with pain in their own way and for me forgiveness (not forgetting mind) works.

Re: Cards for the day

My two focus words for today would be
Hope - i hope that now one decision has been made that mr. can work towards achieving happiness surrounding the decision

My second word would be understanding
I believe that sometimes we struggle to understand why things happen.
Understanding -

Re: Cards for the day


The SunnyBoys rule......we were listening to them a couple of days ago!!

@greenpea I am so sorry.....please forgive my's a difficult month...December and I didnt think of your own journey. I thought of only me. 


Re: Cards for the day

@PeppiPatty You're right PeppiPatty Smiley Happy

Re: Cards for the day

Compassion and courage.

Re: Cards for the day

💜 @Fee1 ..... 👋