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Re: Cards for the day


Re: Cards for the day

Oopsies ......

Re: Cards for the day

Dear @Former-Member @dands26 just everyone.......  @Appleblossom @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope.....

thankyou for these wonderful messages........

I am just going to write.........thank you @utopia. I have enjoyed reading your messages. It's okay to overreact........we all make mistakes with our children........

I really like your word, hopeful

Just to be open to say....."Oops......I might have been a little sillybilly...... um.........sorry....." this is a step for both of us so how can we work together so we both don't feel overwhelmed ?"

anyways back to me : 

My words were not very good today. I felt like I could have used them better. My words today being : Focus and Balance. I think I tried to reach for the stars immediately and I must remember @Appleblossom s  advice from a long time go gently. 

Thank you @TAB for mentioning me. 

If everyone wants, lets start again tomorrow ? Ill need to at least !! Maybe some can keep their words for a week ??? 

Thanks for being part of this activity.......


Re: Cards for the day

@PeppiPatty Whtat a great idea ... today definately Focus because my mind is all over the place and I have to focus better and ...Forgive which I have and will continue to do as it is healing for myself. Doesn't mean I forget or let myself get taken for a fool just means I can let go of my anger and hurt.

Not applicable

Re: Cards for the day



Grateful- That I did what I needed to do yesterday. Even tho the challenge to just push myself to do it, was stressful, at times, & a very BIG step to take, while being so unwell. I just pushed forward to get it, over & done with.

Calm- Trying now today to stay calm, knowing that I have done all that I needed to do yesterday. Now, today I choose to wait calmly, & trustingly. Knowing that GOD is going to work ALL things out for my good, in my health, & in my life, because I have always believed, & have chosen by my. Faith in GOD, to receive. Amen <>< 🙂 xo

Re: Cards for the day

I love this idea and this is such a lovely thread @PeppiPatty 💗

This reminded me of a beautiful set of cards that were a gift from a very special someone. Each one is a different strength you could choose to draw upon and use and I used to pick one, sometimes at random and sometimes intentionally, to be my "choice of the week". I haven't done it for a little while and seeing this thread has been like a gentle and timely reminder to pull them out again.
Here are the two I drew today (which couldn't be more fitting right now)
Creative because when I am stuck, creating anything is almost always the right way for me to "be" until I become unstuck.
And patient because I know healing takes time (even if it sucks that it does). 

Re: Cards for the day

I super like this thread @PeppiPattySmiley Happy

My cards would definitely be calm and patient. The thing is, they will most likely be my cards tomorrow too, and the next day, and the next day and the next day.... So I may not post on this thread again because, well, it could get kind-of repetitive. Smiley Very Happy

Re: Cards for the day

Thank you @PeppiPatty for your lovely words.
Again I'll just pick one card. Focusing on two things, just feels to hard.
Today I choose - 'motivation'.
Motivation to help me get in the shower today.
Motivation to help me clean up the house a little. Put away the clean washing. Vacuum the floor.
I have been lacking motivation for a long time.

Re: Cards for the day

Er..Motivation..? @PeppiPatty ?
.. physio said yest my ' motivational muscle ' was main problem as in I know what to do, just not doing it ...

Re: Cards for the day

I'm gonna stick with my two cards for the week ..... Serenity and Recovery .....