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Re: A Poem? Maybe?

i can't seem to separate from my pain at all, it is always there, i try and dull it out, or ignore it, but can't, and i have to admit this last one was a little bit more forced then the others.... not just an outpouring but a directed effort.
i spent some time dissecting it and putting it together which i haven't done before, which is why it would seem different to the others, hence too much like the teacher and not my normal style
thank you ja47

thank you sandy, for me those two lines just fitted

thank you

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

That feels right....that it's a bit forced.

I've got an idea but it may not be right......

Can you draw a plan of a home.....the home you could design and live in? And in this home, Kato, who would you imagine could go into each room?
Remembering ;

kitchen is where everyone usually socialises.
lounge room is for important people.
Bedroom is where only your closest friends and maybe family members go into.
Bathroom? Who would you allow to go into your bedroom ensuite?
what about toilet, one near the family room.
Your private bathroom adjoining your bedroom?

Who will you allow in your home?
Where will the furniture be? Remembering big table is usually in the kitchen? Where people socialises ?

Kato, we are buddies.....on this wonderful site. I do miss moderators not chipping in as much but their moderating makes me feel safe on this site.

my word,is safe. Your word is different.

And I loosely place myself in my home or......whatever home I choose to draw. I would like to live in a home similar to the home I'm living in now. The safest room for me. The room I would feel only my safest friends could come into would be my bedroom.

Re: A Poem? Maybe?


"And in the dark of night,
Our tears we shed are true,"

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

Loopy boy,
How are you luv?

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

Hey @justanother47yr, all this talk of ensuites and extra bathrooms is making me want to renovate:

A poem about Home..

What is a home, to a gnome?
What is a home, when you live to roam?

Is it a building?
A tent?
Somewhere to rent?

Does it have walls?
Does it have floors?

Is there a ceiling?

Or is Home a feeling?

I search for it there
I search for it here
Please tell me, is my home near?

Home is where I live, where I love
Where I am free to be me
Home is somewhere for you and for me
Its where I brew tea
Watch butterflies flee from my four legged friend

It is my community
With my friends

Inspired by Green Eggs and Ham 🙂

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

justanother47yr,  Thank you for asking. I feel down and out, sick of physical, mental and heart pain, but, I have been there on many occassions and always get back into line. Bless yourHeart for asking. You are a guardian angel as are all in this forum.

loopy OOOXXX

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

justanother47yr, may I be so bold as to enquire, must be a big bedroom if we are all going to fit in.Smiley Wink


Re: A Poem? Maybe?

yes well.......ahem. ....
My two sons are 20 and 24 years old and me thinks I can still reel off Green Eggs and Ham by memory

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

Ah, yes well colour man.........
Last year I became obsessed with The country next to Russia and China where they live in tents. Me thinks called Mongolia. We may all need to get out own tents and meet in the arvo for a pal wal.

Re: A Poem? Maybe?

Loopy boy....why heart ache ?

There are Definately friends out there for you.
You may be a little overwhelmed.
We care