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Re: 365 Project

Today I am grateful for all the times I DON'T lock myself out of the house, and that when I did last night it wasn't raining and that I had a book with me! Ended up being a surprisingly relaxing evening 🙂

Re: 365 Project

Oh ok, i will remember that, yes i find gardening very relaxing, it is about mental wellbeing for me more than the gardening itself.  it is so nice to grow something and be able to admire it, care for it and enjoy all that it can offer the senses.



Re: 365 Project

My gardening is a bit the same. @Jacques At first it was hard yard work.  Now I love it, but have been fertilising and gently caring for son, the weeds are out of control, but I will keep me out of mischief when I get to them. 

Yesterday is the anniversary of when I became I biological mum. June 22 was when Protective Services gave me my oldest and she was 6 weeks.

Recorder consort concert to welcome teacher home was last night and lovely. I was bubbling about spring cos of this thread and they were in shock with Melbourne cold after coming back from the Meditterranean.  its all about context. I dont even mind any more when people call me mad but basically respect me. She was manic as all hell .. really really, but she is also a composer and brilliant and it was her birthday, and I like her even though she had an over privileged childhood, she has suffered too and knows the score. tee hee double entendre and its not even sexual. The energy of mania just needs to be quietly nurtured the way we nurture our gardens.

In the old days, people who had MI did not have gardens so things are improving a bit, but I am always mindful of the few who fall through the cracks. They have my compassion..

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Re: 365 Project

My lawns got mowed today and they look and smell great! love fresh cut grass smell for some reason lol!!!

Today I'm greatful for having had a peaceful day and having time to have a sneaky nap when lil boy was at kindy 😄 😄


Re: 365 Project

Yes @Former-Member i love the smell of fresh cut grass too, their is something about it, the signal of spring i suppose.


hey guys good news, 8 portchalacas have come up, they are growing, yay. mum spotted the tiny seedlings, so it looks like i have a sort of green thumb.


take care all



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Re: 365 Project

That is awesome @Jacques 😄 so exciting to see things growing!! 


Re: 365 Project

Hi All!

I love this idea. Thanks @Former-Member!

My thing for the day is some photos I got in my inbox from this weekend when I went to the zoo. I got be a big kid, AND I got to go into the dingo enclosure, and hang out with the dingos. It was an amazing encounter, they were very gentle and beautiful creatures.

Here's a photo!


Screenshot 2015-08-19 20.40.36.png

Re: 365 Project

For a while every year I would take out a membership .. to something like the zoo .. love it .. In the 19th century they were all trying to see how different we are from the animals.  Now we are realising how similar ... or what we can learn from them.

Re: 365 Project

Oh what a beautiful dingo, they are such fine creatures

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Re: 365 Project

That would have been amazing @CherryBomb, Reminded me of when I got to have breakfast with the orangutangs at the Singapore Zoo.. that was so cool! one came and sat right next to me for a while, such massive animals! I lvoe the zoo too! My favourite place!
