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Re: Everything music

@TAB DJ TABSTA 🙌🏼 music clips for days

Re: Everything music

@greenpea @TAB @PeppyPatti @Meowmy @StuF 

I thought is was kind of cute in a fun way 

Tres cultural 😆

Re: Everything music

@TAB  Oh my gosh. You smashed all that out?!

Maybe because I’m watching Schitt’s Creek? I love Moira.

Re: Everything music

was all the 1-2 ideas yr cover song gave me, knew wat was putting up soon as saw it lol @Glisten 

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

Thank you @greenpea You know how to do FriYAY right 



Re: Everything music

Awesome tune @greenpea 

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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