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Re: Cook Along

Beautiful @Oaktree ....looks amazing!

Re: Cook Along

Thanks guys, I can recommend this recipe. It tasted amazing! 
I am looking forward to baking the fridge risen edition but we are still eating the first one today. Thanks for all the lovely comments.

@Ainjoule @ENKELI @sheba30 @Shaz51 @tyme @Glisten 

Re: Cook Along

Hey oaktree..I love the recipe I have the link and I'm going to try and make it ...don't know if I can make it as good as u did..I've made bread dishes years ago and it looks like there's a lot involved ..puts me off a bit...but I would love to make it for my relatives.

Re: Cook Along

Does anyone have or use a bread maker? @sheba30 @Oaktree @Ainjoule @ENKELI @Shaz51 


I don't think I eat enough bread to make it. I do love sour dough though. Anyone made it before?

Re: Cook Along

I personally don’t have a bread maker @tyme 

My friend does though and she makes some lovely bread. Hers has a sour dough setting. Trouble with sourdough is that you need a starter and that needs halving and feeding every day. It’s a bit like caring for a baby 

Re: Cook Along

Seriously? I knew you needed a starter, but I didn't know it was THAT much work. Forget it. I'll just buy it. I buy the olive oil one with kalamata olives. @Oaktree 

Re: Cook Along

Yes that puts me off too @tyme 

I would like to try making a starter but am also planning to go to Hawaii in a year or two. I would be so sad if my starter died.

Re: Cook Along

What??? You need to look after it over years? Defo forget it lol @Oaktree 

Re: Cook Along

@Oaktree oh my word! I didn't realise sourdough was so intricate either!

@tyme I have a bread maker but it doesn't have a special setting for sourdough. 

The best sourdough I ever tried was from Bistro Boudin at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. I had a caesar salad in a sourdough cob loaf. 20 years on and I still remember it! I'd go back to SF for that alone.

My brother often brings home sourdough, and like you Tyme he and I love the one with olives. I won't shop at woollies but they do have a nice variety of sourdough breads.

Re: Cook Along

I made some more seriously easy focaccia bread today!

It turned out the best yet.



@ENKELI @tyme @Ainjoule @Shaz51 @Birdofparadise8 @Jynx 

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