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Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay. Sending gentle calming vibes your way...

Re: having a bad morning

Hi @BlueBay how has your afternoon been?

Re: having a bad morning



You have been in my thoughts today



Re: having a bad morning

Hi @eth and @Decadian

You guys rock, by the way. Wonderful support and words of wisdom. Thank you...

Re: having a bad morning

Hi @Silenus@Decadian @eth @Faith-and-Hope

I had an okay afternoon.  I managed to go out and catch up with a friend for coffee.  I spoke to the psych that I saw the other day, as he wanted to know how I was going.  Spoke to him for a little while, telling him that my negatives are still with me.  I told him that i am struggling to let go of past hurts.

He suggests I talk on this forum and call or chat online to Lifeline. He said to stay safe over the weekend and if not to pls call Lifeline.  He asked me to call my own psych on Monday but I am sure he will speak to my psych on Monday (they are in the same rooms).

Thanks to all for your love, hugs and support. I love this forum so much. xxxooo

Re: having a bad morning

@BlueBay I'll be around to hang out with you on and off over the weekend.  Sounds like today was pretty positive overall.  

Re: having a bad morning

Hey @eth

My regular therapist called me today, he has a free appt for tomorrow morning and asked if I would like the appt.  Hell yes!!!  So I will see him tomorrow.

Then on Sunday hubby and I are going to Palm Cove for 5 days to celebrate our anniversary.

I don't know how that is going to go; i was going to have my discussion with him but now I am not so sure. Not sure about a lot of things.  I think i will try to enjoy time together without expectations.

So i may not be on here often during the week. But we are back Thursday night so I will be back on then.

I will come on tomorrow and let you know how i go with my therapist.  He does know about my bad week and negative thoughts.

Hope you are doing okay xxx

Re: having a bad morning

@BlueBay  Hoping you and your hubby have a lovely time together and just enjoy each other's company and the simple things like sunsets.

I'm ok, just hanging out at the Friday Feast and now having yummy dessert 🙂 

Re: having a bad morning

Thanks @eth I will try to enjoy the simple things in life. 🙂 xxx

Re: having a bad morning

I hope the therapist session helps you to travel better @BlueBay

Have a wonderful time with your husband. Us whacky kids will be here as usual, having our fun and frolics.

Sending holiday hugs your way. Happy anniversary. 🙂