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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @PeppiPatty


It doesn't look like the link you posted is working. It looks like it's something from Youtube. One thing you could try and choosing 'Insert a video', which is across the top when you're replying to a post. Here is a picture to help:

Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 5.11.21 PM.png

If you press that then you can just copy & paste the link from youtube in there.

Have a try & let me know how you go.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hey, it's great to have a passion like you have with writing. I do a lot of journaling to unravel my thoughts it's my private place where I can say what I want. I would like to find a passion though that I could share! i shall ponder this! Bye

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I so hate my parents and siblings. I hate them so much.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Write a poem about it @BlueBay ? Write a poem to express how you feel ? And another one about running away ?

It's a great way to vent, get all those feelings out there on paper, or on the screen !!! Creativity is healing, I think it is a bit like crying from your heart instead of your eyes, and I think it would do you a lot of good to give it a try. It doesn't have to rhyme. It doesn't have to be anything you don't want it to be, because it's yours !!!!

And then maybe take you dog for a good long walk on the beach ? Let the wind and the waves speak to your heart with their healing ways as well ?

I wish I was there an could come for that walk with you .... maybe you can tell me about it, and I can share in it with you that way ?

Big hugs ❤❤❤

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

My Family ....

It's hard to think that my life is this way

I don't know why you treated me your way

i hate you for what you said

but then you have nothing in your head


I cry each and every single day

that i can't see my dad this way

it hurts me so much

but i can see you're in no rush

to see me


I just wish i had siblings that loved me too

but i guess they listened to you

it breaks my heart that i don't see them

so it's just me and no one else


I can't explain the pain I'm in

and the parts that hurts me is not seeing

someone special to me

I'm so angry about you


I want to scream, punch, hit and cry

for i have done nothing wrong

but you always think you are right

well i don't care about what you think


I need to be alone

and think of life

i just don't want to talk


i wish i could have you all as friends

and get together

i need to feel the love

i need to be hugged


because at home i am alone

even though i have my own family

it must seem strange to you all

but this is my life


I am sorry i need to go

i feel like crying, my heart is aching

i just need to go


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hugs @BlueBay

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I am crying for you @BlueBay.   Your poetry is so powerful.  I can hear how much it hurts you, but now some of it is out on the page.

That will leave a little more space in your heart to receive love, and there is lots flowing to you from here.  You have so many friends here @BlueBay.  Let us help to comfort you ....

Big hugs ❤️❤️❤️

I hope you go for that walk on the beach, with the wind in your hair.  Your dog must love the walks with you too.

This wave of feeling will pass @BlueBay.  It will pass over you.  Wait for that to happen.  It will go back down to a lower level.  Feelings come in waves like that.  Maybe you can write another poem when this wave has died down and you are beathing a bit more easily again.

I hope you write a lot more poetry.  If this is how powerful your sad poetry is, I imagine your calmer poetry will be powerful too.

i would love to hear a poem about your dog.  What colour is he ?  Large or small ?  Can we know his name ?

I am wishing you well @BlueBay.  

Big hugs ❤️❤️❤️

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @PeppiPatty

That doesn't work either 😞

You can simply copy & paste the URL . I think you're going to 'Share' then 'embed' but all you need to do is go to 'Share' and copy that URL.

Does that help?

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

tired after another battle

the sun setting again

looking for peace and silence

but in comes a silent cacophony

that bounces around my skull

jagged and fierce thoughts

followed by sharper meanings,

fears and imaginings,

memories uncovered

so the battle continues renewed.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope.  I didn't mean for you to cry 😞

I'm just angry because of what happened today in my session.  I was expecting a different answer from him, i wanted him to support me and say yes i will admit you but he didn't.  he explained that he wants me to face my problems and with his help find solutions; instead of wanting to run away or go into hospital as a way of avoiding my problems.  I do understand (sort of) what he is saying, but it doesn't help when i want time to myself that he says no.

The wave of horrible emotion is subsiding.  I ended up going to the chemist to drop my new sleeping med script.  i didn't end up for a walk. but i have had lots of cuddles from my dog.  By the way my dog is a black and white kelpie named jersey.  she is so affectionate, will cry when i come home from work and runs up the stairs to greet me when i get home.  you can imagine how excited she was to see us after we came back from our holiday.

You know @Faith-and-Hope i don't think my poems are that great, i just write from my heart and how i feel at the time.  but yes i will write a poem about jersey. i will do that now, good idea.

take care @Faith-and-Hope, you are a great support to me, thank you xxxooo