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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

The dancing light reflecting off the curves and arcs of the waters surface, has a
magic that is real.
The radiating warmth from a giant nuclear reactor, has a soothing, healing feel.
The venting circulation of a celestial oxygenator, has a soft touch from which we
we breathe.
The variable voltage in the membrane of cerebral cells, gives us the focus we that
We hear tiny vibrations & process miniature chemical reactions on our tongues & in
our nose.
So much magic, so much wonder, in a constant looping flow.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

When I want to find a place of peace
Somewhere I can feel at ease
From the ground to the vastness of the sky's
Beauty fill my eyes
Creation I stand in awe
How could I ask for more
Carpets of colour
Beneath my feet
Generosity in extravagance
Gentle aromas fill the air
Nothing can compare
flowing melodies
None out of tune
Creation I stand in awe
How could I ask for more
When I want to find a place of peace
Somewhere I can feel at ease

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Life is nit the same anymore 

its lost its love it’s shine 

its heslth 

it’s lost me 

I’m nit the person I used to be 

everyone is angry at me 

it’s sll my fault 

hubby angry with me 

I’m not talking

im dumb stupid person 

who knows nothing except that

I have depression chronic

i have BPD 

i hate myself do much right now 

don’t know what I’m typing dmymire

think I’m dissociating a little 

i wish I could vluse my eyes 

I’m hurting 



Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

@BlueBay Lots of these for you. 💜💕💛💕💜

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Grubby little toes poke out of her sandals. Leo knows mum will buy her new sandals soon, her toes are coming over the soles. Her sandals are brown, scratched and bent from all the wild play with her friends. Leo thinks of her friends. She can hear them play outside. Laughter and shouting is coming through the closed window. Tim is beeping the horn on his new bike, unmistakably his, no one else has a horn like his. Leo stares at her toes. She doesn’t dare to wiggle them. She doesn’t want to be here. The room smells musky and it is warm. The sun is low and shining right into the room. 

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

❤️ @Former-Member .....

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

One of these nights the sky will come crashing down and destroy the entire planet.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thankyou @Maggi ❤️❤️

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit-

Rest if you must, but don't you quit.



Success is failure turned inside out -

The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It might be near when it seems afar;

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -

It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hearing you @Former-Member ..... ❤️