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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

It's very clear to me what this poem is about Mazarita which I love because I don't care to wade through too many metaphors in order to apreciate a piece of work. I adore the last line especially, even though it saddens me.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Cheers, @Mulgajane!

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I have fallen in to a shaft of chaos 

Where everything thing is never as it seems 

Everytime I think I hit rock bottom the floor gives way again 

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

This is my broken alleluia song
I have no place to call my home
No family to call my own
I have a history stained by sin
A distressing state I'm in
A flower doesn't shrink in shame
At the mention of my name
The stars in the sky don't pass me by
Even when I have to cry
My broken alleluia song
No matter what the future brings
I will always hear the magpie sing
It doesn't matter what's being said
Or the chatter inside my head
I will never keep pace
With the human race
My broken alleluia song
My broken alleluia song

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

❤️ @Maggie ....

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I'm a little bit upset about the position I've found myself in, I feel my journey through the mental health system has degraded me, as much as it has helped lift me up.

I've really found myself over the last twelve years, it's been a slow and steady process, of working out who I am, and what I really need and want. It has taken me to all sorts of places.

My life and the world around me, - society as I know it...

I'm not sure what my meaning and purpose is, I suppose I do what I need and want too, so I can survive and live the best life possible, however it does seem futile at times. And I've come to realize, that I'm not going to be alive forever, and nothing has really worked out, how I ideally wanted it too.

It's not all bad... And it's not all good... - I've really had to push myself at every stage of my life, too push for a better understanding, more wisdom and insight. And too put others first in my mind, and too learn new concepts, theories and philosophies, so I could move forward and make it to the to stage of my life.

Life is the art of survival... And in all honesty... It ain't much different then the cave man times...

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Tears have doused the laval flow

That erupted in my chest

And melted the breath out of me

Yet again the jumble of words

Tied my tongue to my throat

And they tumbled out backwards

Forever misunderstood, misguided, misconstrued, missing & multiplicity staining the page,

Knees scraped from apologies stuck like gum to the bottom of my shoes,

Criss-cross lashes mark the multitude of worldly sins spoken,

Flesh feels no sting nor electric jolt of nervous fibres,

Pain is but a four letter word to describe emotions which don't exist here,

For feeling comes with cautions,

Roadblocks to another place,

Unattainable yet beautiful,

Which will never be the end of this tale

For although the fire is doused for now,

The molten lava has set the heart in stone,

And asphyxiated the brain of it's beloved oxygen,

There is nothing left but to pick up the charred, molten mess

And close the stone eyes that stare forevermore


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Nowhere to turn

Every thought inside me churns

Have I become this hard to see

Clearly invisible to everyone but me

Maybe my darkness

Has built a wall 

somewhere I hide

Afraid of it all

Beyond trying

Always crying

Have I become this hard to see

I know I've lost my way

I don't even like the light of day

My soul is broken

Too many empty words spoken

It seems humanity

Has no place for me

Have I become this hard to see

Clearly invisible to everyone but me