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Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

 monsoon is ok now @Dimity , just showers and then sunshine and then rain , ect 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰


There is an app called MyTherapy, I use to use it when I was on various meds due to a failed knee replacement after being discharged 3 months post surgery as it was hard to keep track especially when I was on S8 pain meds. It has an alarm and you have to physically click that you took it other wise the alarm beeps get louder and louder. Once all the meds are done for the day a nice picture pops up. It also allows you to put in your doctors, physio appointments etc and it will remind you a day prior as well. It has lots of nifty features that are useful like saving progess as a pdf that you acn take with you to the specialists if you are on a PRN (you take when needed) medication. 


Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi @Ratchet 


What a useful app, thanks for tip! 


Have a great night! 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi @lala2 @Ratchet @Shaz51 @Dimity @Delicatessen @Appleblossom @tyme @hanami @amber22 @Peregrinefalcon and all forumites here. Great ideas on coping g strategies, everyone! 

As for my coping strategies toolbox, I had an incident when I was on a stay at PARCS recently whereby I had to utilise my toolbox in order to help me deal with an issue with a peer worker. I was able to find a pair of knitting needles and some wool and start knitting a beanie when the peer worker at the facility got me upset over something they’d done. I found that I was able to calm down and work through my issue by focusing on knitting the beanies pattern and I felt a lot better for it afterwards. I now keep a set of these knitting needles in my car along with wool in case I ever need to use this coping skill again. It was really helpful to me and I was glad I was able to utilise this coping strategy to get me through a bad time. It just goes to show that you never know when certain tools will be required and be used to help you with your mental health recovery and requirements.


Take care!


Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Good call to get creative @Judi9877 


There are no magic solutions.  Peer workers can be' a not bad idea', but they are flawed and subjective  as we all are, doctors and nurses included.

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi Everyone


A few months ago I started learning a language in preparation for an upcoming trip. I very much want to be able to speak with the locales.


I had learned this for a few years. Initially went hard and found it easier to pick up  initially. But while I’ve moved ahead leaps and bounds the going has been getting tough as I progress through the more advanced levels.


That being said, the process of doing daily lessons had become a habit and when I do them I really have to concentrate. I’m really enjoying myself and find it quite relaxing. A real surprise. I think this is good for my mental health.

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

way to go @Delicatessen , when is your upcoming trip and where to 

amm really glad you are enjoying it 

hello @Appleblossom , @Judi9877 , @lala2 

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

Hi @Shaz51 I’m going to Spain to do some hiking. Imagine! 😊

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

How interesting @Delicatessen ! What a great way to practice mindfulness!

Re: Our coping toolbox 🧰

ohh wow @Delicatessen , how exciting 

are you going as a group or on your own ? 

how low are you going 

now i am excited 😁