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Re: Moving forward

Me too @utopia. I've just come back to bed with a few tears feeling rubbishy today. I'm hoping a small sleep now will somehow miraculously help me. Don't stress too much about your son and feeling like he is sleeping and lazy.  Mine all did it. It wasn't until my 16 year old said a few months ago that 12 months prior his life was going good. He said school was ok, work was ok, footy was ok and he felt good now nothing is right and he feels grumpy all the time. This year he failed everything at school and he is a smartish kid. This year in footy he went from winning best and fairest or runner up every year to sitting on the bench at the beginning of every game and not even polling once in the medal count. I knew there was something wrong. When I was in hospital they told me my gut was right and to act on it and made me ring headspace for him. So please don't stress unles there are other signs as well. And if he does ITS NOT YOUR FAULT. You would be a great role model for him too. You would be able to help him take responsibility for it and give him a great chance at leading a good life. You could never determine what genetics he would get. I'm sure things will be fine though and you are doing as every mum does.....worrying about your son.  💜💐🤗

Re: Moving forward

@Former-Member@ @Former-Member @utopia

Teens are hard work.  They're sh*tty, moody, unappreciative, selfish, demanding, oppositional .... and then suddenly they're a ray of sunshine that lights up your world .... then before you have time to celebrate that thought .... the baby dragon mode is back, burning the landscape to cinders ....

Just when you start wondering how you could have got it all so wrong, and what a terrible mother you are .... 21yo arrives, and everything you invested in them begins to shine it's light .... still takes a few more years to get itself established .... few more burnt landscapes .... but golly-gosh .... y'all got there ❣

With or without mi issues ....

Please try to choke down the guilt and just enjoy the sunshine moments .... recharging your solar batteries for the burn-out times .... it's a roller-coaster existence with teens .... no doubt about it ❣


Group hugzzz ❤️

Re: Moving forward

Hi @utopia


I am sorry you feel as if you could lie in bed all day and cry - I understand that - I have done that or felt like that in the past


Also - I can tell you one thing about parenting - no matter how good we are with it - no matter how wonderful as are as people first and then parents - in later life our middle-aged children will be telling us how rotten we were - how terrible the food was - how we neglected our gardens - how busy we were with our own interests.


But - with all of that -how did my dd turn out to be such a wonderful woman, person, mother and grandmother? She had to learn that from someone - and which woman in the family was she with most? Who taught her to cook and keep house? Where did she learn her values?


When I read what people are writing here in these forums I believe I am talking with and listening to the most caring, sensible and self-examing people in the world - and MI or not - people here CARE SO MUCH - and that is not an MI - that is incredibly beautiful


I think most people have an MI of some kind - maybe not always labelled or even seen - and yes - it may rub off


I know you are worried about your son - that's natural and a sign you are not self-centred - he is old enough to understand you are not well and that's why you stay in bed sometimes - but your light shines out in the forum - I am sure it shines out toward him too


I know he is the most precious thing in the world for you




Re: Moving forward

@Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Decadian. Don't mind me. I'm just having a pity party.
Feeling a bit self destructive and negative today. Not sure why. I've been traveling so well for a while.
Maybe I'm just in a bad mood. Who knows.
Think I'll go back and sleep some more.
Maybe when I wake up, I'll feel better.

Re: Moving forward

Hey @utopia


You're having a pity-party - How wonderful! I am feeling crappy and sorry for myself - can I come?


I promise you sinusitis is not catching - I am feeling mournful and bleak - tired and my head weighs too much - and I would be a wonderful candidate for making a competition of how bad we can feel today.


On the other hand - I need a shower - aw


I get the feeling of the pity-party thing - you go ahead and have it - one thing I can promise you is that after a while it will get really boring and you will get up and be half-way normal - alas - staying in bed makes my back-ache -


Society inflicts us with rules - but feeling sorry for ourselves doesn't hurt anyone actually - maybe no one else will feel sorry for us so we have to do all of this for ourselves


Don't beat yourself  up - time passes - have an nap and have another start today


And maybe I will do the same


Sending virtual hugs



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Re: Moving forward

💐🌞@Teej, I love your avatar pic 😘

Re: Moving forward

I hope you're feeling better after a sleep @utopia sucks when moods like this hit us.

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Re: Moving forward

Think that's wonderful @Decadian about wanting join a pity party. I think as soon as I read @utopia post I knew that's what I was having too for very different reasons but a pity party all the same. As long as we can come in jammies im in. 💜😊🤗
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Re: Moving forward

Oops 🙊 thanks @Former-Member. It was supposed to brighten my day and be a new beginning.......not sure that was enough....not working out that well for me. I may have to keep trying until I find one that works😉
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Re: Moving forward

Sorry 😐 (Apparently that's the emotion for sorry - who knew?) @Former-Member. Self pity running at all time high. Forgot to ask how you were and wish you luck for your appointment💜😊🤗