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Re: Moving forward

Hi @Former-Member  thinking of you and sending warm wishes.

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Re: Moving forward

Hi @eth,

So lovely to se you pop up. How have you been going? I'm having a bad patch but ok at the moment.  💜😊

Re: Moving forward

@Former-Member  I'm having a difficult time at the moment too.  Lots of anxiety and hand tremors that make some tasks including typing hard and at times impossible.  May be a medication reaction so 2 of my meds have been adjusted but no improvement yet.  Not too bad today but I'm not trying to do anything like banking which really flares it up.  Have to wait and see for maybe a few weeks.

What's happening for you?


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Re: Moving forward

hi @teej and @eth 

sending hugs and hoping that you both have better days coming up. no good about the shaky hands eth 😞 fingers crossed that goes away soon

sending love accross the waves/wires/webs??


Re: Moving forward

Hi @Former-Member  how are you?


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Re: Moving forward

Hi @eth. So sorry to hear that your anxiety is sky high and about your hand tremors. It must be very frustrating. I hope they fix the right medication for you soon. How are things going with j ? I'm sorry if not well and please don't answer if it's difficult. 💜😊
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Re: Moving forward

hi @eth

i've been struggling a lot lately but coping at the moment. havent been well this week and a bit anxious about that but still going. life is just very hectic and busy. and its soooo cold here today! non stop rain!


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Re: Moving forward

Nothing really has been happening for me I'm just not coping with life @eth. I guess lots of small things have happened all at once. My youngest son was just diagnosed with depression and this week he has been really difficult to live with, angry at me a lot. Apart from that not too much I guess.

Re: Moving forward

@Former-Member haven't seen J for 3 weeks but whenever that happens there's always a good reason.  I do wonder but he had told me of a few things that were likely to happen for him.   Very sorry to hear about your son.  Life is soooo challenging at times isn't it?

Sorry to hear you've been unwell @Former-Member

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Re: Moving forward

That woul d make it difficult @eth when things are hard and he is AWOL too. I'm glad he is still company for you though. Have you got out much lately? I have a phams support worker now and she has been a great support especially this week just gone. Last week and this week she is coming twice to help me get my act together. We go for a walk once a week which guarantees I get out into the open spaces.