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I find myself having absolutely no motivation to do anything really. Everything is a huge effort and I have zero energy most of the time. 

I just want to stay in bed .. Anyone else have absolutely no motivation for anything? And if so, any tips how to get past it?

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Re: Motivation

Hi @Zam and welcome to the Forums! So glad you found us 🙂

It is really common to struggle with motivation. You are not alone - I am sure most people on the Forums can relate! For me... If I find my motivation is wavering, I remind myself to celebrate the small victories. I try to congratulate myself when I do anything, big or small, that is helpful/constructive/productive for my day. I try to be kind to myself, and practice self-compassion. I give myself grace each day to do the things I need to do. Another thing I find helpful is accountability. I often tell my hubby what I plan to do with my day, and I find that makes me more likely to go ahead and do it, rather than procrastinate. But that's just me. I am sure others could offer a myriad of suggestions that they find helpful. @Zam what sorts of things do you most struggle with? I know that mental illness can really impact motivation, and sometimes even just the 'basic stuff' like taking a shower can be a huge chore. Do you feel like that is true for you? Have you tried any strategies in the past? What have you found helpful, or not so helpful so far? Look forward to hearing more of your story. 

All the best, Mosaic.

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Re: Motivation

I think @Mazarita is good at creating herself daily routines that are mostly achievable and celebrates what she does get through

I struggling with this but I'm really low at the moment I know if o can get thru this low point it will get a bit better again
Senior Contributor

Re: Motivation

@Former-Member yeah everything is pretty much a huge chore. I live on my own, so cleaning and all other household duty type things don't get done anywhere near as much as they should. Studying is a huge effort and when I do get motivated to do it, around 50% of the time I can't focus on it..

the only time I'm fully motivated to do things is when my son is with me, but other then that I struggle to do anything

Re: Motivation

I have been in this position myself and it lasted for months. I was doing well if I got out of bed and made it to the lounge room. I was feeling totally overwhelmed by everything. My gp told me on two occasions to see my psychiatrist. Some five months later I finally got there. I just felt that I had to keep going, well trying to overcome lack of motivation.

What I didn't realise was that my antidepressant had stopped working.( I had been on it about five years)I have just spent two weeks in hospital to change medication. This has been very valuable experience to me. And my psychiatrist had been very straight forward with me, and that has been a good thing. He told me not to be so stoic, and to contact him sooner rather than later.

I don't know your circumstances ,but it may be worth a visit to your gp and or psychiatrist.

Sometimes we need to reach out to a professional as well as asking help from our support network.

hope your feeling better soon.

Senior Contributor

Re: Motivation

@Chris good advice thanks chris. I was on antidepressants as a teenager and I remember the huge low I felt when I stopped taking them meds. I'm glad you went to a gp and got on new meds to stop you from feeling that way.


im not on a strong dose of antipsychotics and one of the main symptoms I get from it is no energy what so ever and just feeling like a zombie most of the time. Sure it helps a crap load and I could not survive off them but the side effects just pretty much drain me

Re: Motivation

Maybe talk to your psychiatrist to see if there is an alternative. It's really horrible feeling so drained all the time.  I have come to realise I am my own worst enemy in getting help. Like thinking it's all in my head just deal with it. Well sometimes we need help.  Sometimes it takes every bit of energy and courage we can muster. At the end of the day, we have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

hope I don't sound pushey It's been a steep learning curve for me the last few weeks.

Senior Contributor

Re: Motivation

@Chris nah you don't sound pushy at all. I have tried to have as little contact as possible with my psychiatrist lately since no matter what I say, his answer to most things is more or less medication.

It was suggested to try a new medication but I would have to be admitted in hospital for about a month and yeah that doesn't work for me ...

Re: Motivation

This is me @Zam
Me no motivation . It stopped suddenly at the beginning of this year.
I'm done with activity

Re: Motivation

Mindful that @Former-Member has commented ..... Hi @Chris how are you ?

Yeah I've had a nightmare year with meds this year and my motivation is just worse : last year I skipped for 10 minutes about 3 times per week and before that I was even more active ......
I'm in the process of thinking lightly about investing in a vibration machine ..... I've been told it has to be going 20 mp ( ?? ) for it to work but I'm seeing someone else before I do it
olle probably end up hiring one ...... I need motivation !!