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Re: Just checking in.

@CheerBear  I've been thinking about you heaps lately and feel a bit sad and lost that I don't know what is happening for you. I'd love to hear the good, bad and ugly of things if you want to share. 

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @Teej. It's really nice to see you 😊 I've been thinking of you heaps too, also feeling similar.

I've been looking properly in to returning to finish my study which is one thing that's happening. It's proving to be about as frustrating and touchy as I thought it might, but I'm trying. There's also new person in my life I've been sharing time with. It's a bit good, bad and ugly (and hard to talk about). Mostly good I think though.

Big just came out with "I would not make a good war wife" and handed over a container of ANZAC biscuits made in food technology today that look like huge rock cake mounds 😆. It made me giggle a lot. I imagine you might be able to relate to some food tech/school cooking gone wrong stuff. How are your crew doing?

And how are you going?

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Teej ..... you could well be right re diagnosis, but I couldn't care less right now if he is ever diagnosed for him ..... it's all about trying to keep the kids out of harm's way now ..... which I can no longer do .... but that is opening the floodgates for counsellors, therapists, and support workers in a way that I couldn't achieve, and they are / will be witnessing all the manipulations and damaging behaviours ..., and hearing it directly from the kids.


I think you're right again - whether any sort of label gets placed on those behaviours or not, the point is that they are not acceptable, and will be dealt with that way.

 D2 has been granted NDIS access ..... 🎉 .  That's going to change the landscape around her .....


Re: Just checking in.

Lol @CheerBear with that comment about a war wife. Cracked me up. 

it sounds like your life is as full on as ever, and probably just as crazy as ever throwing a new relationship in 😬😂.  How are the people of yours going?  I'm so sorry if I've missed something there. I'm not sure what's happened with unwell one. 

mine are ok. Lots of stresses and things happening to a couple (work for one and a double knee surgery for another soon) and relationships have been strained once or twice all round but more settled now....I hope. 
im ???  I don't know really. I guess I'm struggling lots but wanting to be better. Just got off the helpline that was a huge help to calm some of the farm. 

im really feeling that daunting feeling of being absent and so much has happened and trying to find my way back here. So much has happened irl here and I'm not so good at juggling everything. 

Finally given myself permission to just be for tonight. It's been a while since I've done that. 



Re: Just checking in.

Woohoo re D2 @Faith-and-Hope . That's great news. The timing couldn't have been better either for an independent person being able to help her through the maze. 

here's to finding a way through ll this @Faith-and-Hope 🙏🤞🏼🍀


Re: Just checking in.

There will be a way through all this @Teej ..... all I can do is take the baby steps to get there.  That much hasn't changed.

Re: Just checking in.

Feeling a bit funny about replying @Teej 😏 Weird at the moment. Lots is.

Thanks for asking about my people. Unwell person is holding on and made it beyond the time it was expected. It's good (obviously). We're in a quiet, in between, place there, waiting for it to take off again.

Tricky when there's lots going on for your crew but I imagine not lots you can necessarily fix or do much about perhaps?

I felt the daunted feels being back too after I was away for a while in Dec/Jan. I didn't really know where to go or what to start with (though early morning coffee chats helped) and in a way it still feels different. It's funny the way that can happen after not a particularly long time. You don't need to juggle (though I get it feels like it at times). Just "be" is great, wherever and whenever that 'being' happens.

It was great to hear from you yesterday. Big ❤

Re: Just checking in.

Lovely to see you @Teej   I often miss  you.  I'm happy to just sit with you for a while, while you just be.  I need to do that quite a bit still myself.  No need to fill in all the details of life since you were last here, we can just pick up where we left off.  No pressure to be or do or say anything at all.  Just know I am here for you.  Lots of love Heart, acceptance and support xx


@Faith-and-Hope  that's wonderful news about your daughter getting approved for NDIS.  Now to put it into action.  If you want any hints or recommendations feel free to tag me.  I am sure it will make life much better for both of you once you learn how to manage it.  I'd love to ask you lots more about your set up with it, but I know you have a lot on your plate right now.  Jump onto the Anyone started with the NDIS?  thread if you feel like talking more about it.  Hoping other issues and challenges in your life currently will start to even out before long.  As always you are staunch and doing an amazing job of getting through it all.


Take care to all here xx

Re: Just checking in.

Thanks @eth ..... I will ask if / when there are things I need or want to know ..... I appreciate that support being here as well as there.


Its all a bit daunting, but big girl pants are compulsory here, so I am setting balls rolling and learning on the job what to do next.

Re: Just checking in.

@Faith-and-Hope  hoping you have funds for and find a really good coordinator of supports.  And a great plan manager if that's the way you are going.  I have found that independent people are much better than those with major organisations.  And Hireup is brilliant for finding what you want in a support worker and much more flexible availability times.