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Re: Just checking in.

Lemon myrtle is beautiful @Teej especially in full bloom - I hope you can get one to grow Smiley Very Happy I was given a rosemary plant for christmas from one of the teachers - her name is Rosemary so it was a veru cool present I thought. It is growing near my back door so I can smell it when I sit out there with my babies.


I know from my buddy teacher that she had a really hard year last year - lots of deaths in the family and illness - but she also said the Principal was very supportive so that gives me more confidence in her also. I actually taught with the Principal many years ago and remember her being so lovely then too - it would be harder being Principal but I hoping that same support extends throughout the school as it did at the school last year.

Re: Just checking in.

Still a long way of driving @Teej for the eldest. Just a taxi mum at the moment!!


Re: Just checking in.

I have a feeling you and I are in the same time zone @Snowie . I just read your other thread quickly about the rain. It has been magnificent to have. I rearranged all my pots outside last night to make the most of it. They look thankful I did 😄

Re: Just checking in.

@Snowie I forgot you guys go back a week before us ...been so busy not much else has been in my mind though this week. Would be good having so you time again Smiley Very Happy

Re: Just checking in.

I think we are in the same timezone @Teej  I am no good at keeping plants alive!

@Zoe7yes glad they have gone back

I have booked in for yoga again so hopefully that helps me a bit


Re: Just checking in.

Very cool @Zoe7 @Rosemary from Rosemary. I hope so @Zoe7 . People don't change too much @Zoe7 . I know being a principle is different but hopefully they are the same as you remember. 

Re: Just checking in.

Oh to be a teacher @Snowie , @Zoe7 @and spell principal incorrectly 🤦‍♀️

Re: Just checking in.

She has been really lovely so far @Teej so I am hoping the same. I don't expect any issues but working fulltime again is certainly going to be a challenge - and I still have to work appointments in so some weeks are going to be super draining. My Mum expressed her concern today about me working fulltime again but I assured her it is what I want to do and if I have support around me it will make it easier. I am teaching a grade I have only ever taught for a term before so any help I can get will be appreciated. A friend from school last year has said she would help as much as she could also - so lovely of her Heart

Re: Just checking in.

haha @Teej I didn't even pick it up lol

Re: Just checking in.

Yoga sounds good @Snowie . I hope it is helpful. 

ahhh the taxi mum @Snowie . That doesn't go away quietly either. I still get calls to pick my 20somethings up......had to pick one up last night in the rain at 10:30 . They are usually good though. If I'm tired or in bed they'll Uber it home.