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Re: Just checking in.

So good to hear from you @Teej. And a hi @Appleblossom, @Sans911 and Maggie ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Š

Sounds like the year has ended in the same kind of way it's been for you - a bit bananas. That heat ๐Ÿ˜ฎ So glad you have that airconditioner. That makes a big difference.

Hugs for the house, the course and the strange headspace. I kind of get how tricky it can be to navigate a bit of "now what" when faced with the idea of living and doing life. I feel a bit of that once the intensity of a crisis has passed and I feel kind of a bit stuck. It's hard. You've been through heaps over the last little while. Maybe some time to settle and regroup will help.

Lol with the avatar. Of course you'd pick up on it ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜˜ I needed a rainbow (a rainbow dash works well) but one that's a bit dark and twisted around. I too am in a strange headspace and maybe not the best kind of one at the moment. I'm disappointed. I wiped out December which feels like a very long time to have wiped out. I really hoped it would be all better by now but it isn't exactly. Dark and twisted with rainbows. It works for me ๐Ÿ™‚

More hugs. Missed you lots โค

Re: Just checking in.

@CheerBear  Hope you are ok, safe but not too โ€˜ normal and fineโ€™. Sending ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

Re: Just checking in.

Just checking in @Teej , thinking of you as I often do and hoping you're going OK enough. Missing you but understand that time-out is important too. 


I found this one and it made me think of you



Here and listening (when I'm more "hit" than "miss" - still a bit all over the place) if it could help. Big โค

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @CheerBear . Thanks for the shout out. It's just been a chaotic month. I'm ok for today. Just been out for cake and coffee with my parents. First time I've had cake for months. Tomorrow I go back to healthier eating after I fell off the wagon for the past few weeks with that part. 

I go into respite on tuesday for a few days. I need this reset big time. I'm feeling very lucky to be able to go. The activities planned are all new to me and look good. 

Life is returning to somewhat more normal but all those big decisions I've had haven't been worked out in detail yet. I'll still need to do that when I get back from Respite. Some involving centrelink ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. There is an end date for it all coming up soon though. Only a few more weeks to worry about ex will mess up my life anymore. Have been back to lawyer this week. 

I'm going to say thank you on another thread and might be missing for this week but then ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿปwill be back here and life might go at a more manageable pace for me. 

hugs ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’œ

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @Teej. It's great to hear from you. I didn't realise it was a special cake kind of day yesterday when I posted. I hope it was a good one for you.

So good to hear you have a chance to time-out and reset for a few days. It's been huge for you for a while. New activities sound great! Hugs for the worry you've been through. It will be so good to have this behind you.

Looking forward to seeing you when life is a bit more manageable. More ๐Ÿ’œ

Re: Just checking in.

Hey forum friends. Just wondering if anyone is about. Feeling a bit bewildered as to where to jump in ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Re: Just checking in.

@Teej ๐Ÿ‘‹

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @Teej Around and up for a chat if you are Heart

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @outlander , @Zoe7 ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

it gets hard when I've been away from the forum a while and try to come back.


how is everyone?

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @Teej Heart