24-03-2019 06:32 AM
24-03-2019 06:32 AM
24-03-2019 01:46 PM
24-03-2019 01:46 PM
Oh I need to start a new thread,,,,,,, -- go ahead @PeppiPatty and tag me
@Former-Member, @CheerBear , @Zoe7 , @Faith-and-Hope
24-03-2019 04:46 PM
24-03-2019 04:46 PM
@Former-Member Checking in to see how you are travelling. Been thinking of you a lot today
25-03-2019 06:15 AM
25-03-2019 06:15 AM
25-03-2019 07:21 AM
25-03-2019 07:21 AM
Yes PD today @CheerBear Pretty tired this morning after an up and down night so it is going to be tough sitting all day to get through it all. I need to leave earlier so I better get moving soon and get ready. Hope you have a good day today
25-03-2019 03:49 PM
25-03-2019 03:49 PM
Hiya @PeppiPatty. wow San Francisco for a month! It sounds like it’s been cathartic to spend time with your brothers.
@Former-Member im so glad you dropped back in but I wish it was under different circumstances. So sorry to here things have gotten even more difficult. I’m not sure if you are at work today but I am thinking of you too. Always still here if you need.
@Zoe7 I hope your day has progressed ok.
Hugs to @Shaz51 , @Faith-and-Hope too.
25-03-2019 04:03 PM
25-03-2019 04:03 PM
@CheerBear You asked the other day about acceptance. The answer was both I think. But it was more him accepting things like generational stuff that he had made lots of generalised negative comments about my kids generation and my use of technology. He has since accepted that better and more recently embraced it.....A phone was meant to be something you talk on only. He has recently got a smart phone and googles stuff all the time and downloaded some apps. Traditionally it’s been his opinions are the best opinions. He has really worked at bettering the relationships with my boys and their gfs. I have had some rough patches on and off in that relationship from a tennager onwards. I guess though I’ve know that he has loved me and sacrificed for me over the years and I guess that trumps all. But... it has taken me until my 50s to put it all in perspective.
My weekend didnt go according to plan and to tell the truth I spent much of it in bed with a negative mindset that I struggled to get out of. Not really bad but just annoyingly bad. Today still horizontal trying to find vertical.
Am going to force myself out my house soon, well I hope I can.
25-03-2019 04:21 PM
25-03-2019 04:21 PM
@CheerBear @Teej PD went quite well today - despite me being nearly half an hour late - I had no idea how much traffic there would be going through the city. Tomorrow I will need to leave much earlier - arg!
I do not feel as tired this afternoon as I did this morning which is unusual for me after a PD session - usually I am so bored I want to fall asleep but today was pretty good for the most part - a lot of theory but also some discussion on some of the points put forward. I must say I didn't totally agree with everything but on the whole I found it really good.
Another day of it tomorrow and then Wednesday off - I moved my GP appointment so I didn't have to do anything at all on Wednesday and I am really looking forward to the day at home.
@Teej I spent most of the weekend horizontal as well - with a lot of footy watching thrown in but that is actually a pretty perfect weekend for me Hope you got up and about today - at least for a little while
25-03-2019 05:41 PM
25-03-2019 05:41 PM
Hugs @Teej .
Your parent sounds like my mr. in that regard, operating out of love for us, as he currently understands it to be, and has made great sacrifices for us, as he understands them to be ..... the kids can see both sides of the coin(s) and so can I. Without the e.d. behaviours on board I think we would just be considering him well-meaning but becoming more eccentric.
Just wanted to add that in there in the hope that it aids perspective, and helps you find vertical. “Normal” is, and always has been, something of a spectrum ..... and we work within-or-without-of the families we have got. You do well with it ..... as much as I know you can’t see that a lot of the time. If you sat in the street and ran a survey with passers-by you would find a very weird and wonderful array of families, their histories and experiences, but somehow we develop expectations that we are supposed to fit within a much more limited, and limiting mould.
My Dad is rocking a mobile phone ..... but it was ironically my Mum who first introduced him to the idea that it was okay to have one that was not on a wall at home ..... lol 😆 and without her here for so long now, he needed to develop the skills to spend time with and communicate with his grandkids.
Thanks for sharing that ..... it brought a smile.
25-03-2019 06:16 PM
25-03-2019 06:16 PM
sending you tender hugs @Teej ,amm here for you everyday my friend xoo
Hello @Faith-and-Hope , @Zoe7 , @CheerBear , @PeppiPatty
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