23-03-2019 04:19 PM
23-03-2019 04:19 PM
im so low and not coping with so much. havent been working, but due to return and overwhelmed. just no where to turn.
23-03-2019 04:23 PM
23-03-2019 04:23 PM
Hey @Former-Member that sounds incredibly tough Hon - you have us here to support you. Are you returning part time or fulltime?
23-03-2019 04:27 PM
23-03-2019 04:27 PM
23-03-2019 04:34 PM
23-03-2019 04:34 PM
Oh @Former-Member Do you have any income protection or any long service leave left. I know neither are ideal but it really sounds like you are not ready to go back. If none of those are available I suppose it is working out what you can deal with and seeing if your roles at work can be lessened in any way to help you out.
Is workers comp available as well?
23-03-2019 04:38 PM
23-03-2019 04:38 PM
have applied for workers comp @Zoe7 but it takes a long time to 'come in' 'if' it gets approved. i have to feed the kids so i feel like i dont have any options. im fighting a losing battle i think. and scared that because i've had depression/ptsd etc already that work cover will say my ability to cope with the things that occurred are my own fault. everything always feels so complex and difficult to manage.
23-03-2019 04:45 PM
23-03-2019 04:45 PM
I understand your dilemma @Former-Member Your previous mental health issues should not have a bearing on worker's comp but that is not something you can rely on. Your need to look after your kids of course takes a priority so I can see why you feel you have to go back to work right now. It is definitely not ideal though - you can't function properly if you are not well enough to be there but just like everything you need an income. You are certainly in a tough position. I very much understand the need to get back to work because of finances but I think I was in a much more stable position than you are right now to do that. I can imagine how hard this is for you though. How long is the waiting period for worker's comp?
23-03-2019 04:49 PM
23-03-2019 04:49 PM
23-03-2019 04:56 PM
23-03-2019 04:56 PM
None of that helps now when you really need it though @Former-Member - the system really is not a good one.
You have done so well for so long getting through work and looking after your kids - and all that despite still struggling with your mental health. The difference now is that this has been the result of a workplace incident so I can imagine that is not somewhere you can see yourself going back to when you are struggling so much. It is not surprising you feel so trapped.
What I do know of you though Hon is that you do have that inner strength - it may not feel like it right now but pull on your reserves as a good teacher to help you get through just one day at a time - that is all you need to do - approach each day in isolation and just get through. If the worker's comp does come through then you can take some more time off - maybe even use that to have a day off a week for a while whilst you get some more outside help. Are you seeing anyone at the moment?
23-03-2019 06:04 PM
23-03-2019 06:04 PM
thanks @Zoe7 i do have a counsellor but im not sure that its enough at the moment or if theres anything that can make anything ok longer term. gp is tricky to see or get into. im just feeling very much on my own.
23-03-2019 06:14 PM
23-03-2019 06:14 PM
I know it is not the same but you also have us here @Former-Member and use the Helpline when you need to for a little extra support. It is so tough when you feel you are all alone and there is no help available when you need it the most so please lean on us here Hon - you deserve that support and I know there are plenty here that will provide that for you
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