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Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hi @eudenonism, how are you today? Is everything ok?

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hi @Former-Member @eudemonism thanks for the suggestions. I love that dancing frog lapses - made me smile Smiley Happy

I'm a s-l-o-w frog today, but have managed to

  • take the dogs to the vet
  • sort out some stuff in my storage cage
  • got my son to martial arts (good for his mood and therefore mine!)

Now aiming to 

  • write a grocery list
  • sweep sweep sweep
  • make a salad for dinner

before getting an early night. Phew

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Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Yea one of those days aye @frog ?
I'm a bit besides myself after trying to get a second pup for myself, i worked myself up for it, asked around for advice, and then had the big letdown/anticlimax

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

That sounds hard @eudemonism Is this a temporary let down, or a change of plans? I hope you can have a peaceful night. I'm aiming for an early one. I think a lot of my issues today were (lack of) sleep related.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Yea I'm hearing you @frog lack of sleep is a huge factor behind why i don't handle the stresses of life real well. -I drink to much coffee, i smoke to many cigarettes, i really shouldn't do either of them, because it throws my sleep and stability out of wack *big time. But for the time being-i am using them as coping mechanisms.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@frog re question... I'm going to take the advice I've been given. I get manic about plans and stuff. When really i should be realistic.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Former-Member I've got serious issues which are just lingering under the surface of my outward appearance and facade... all it takes is for someone to say something or to bump into someone and it sets off a chain reaction. I avoid it. I pretend it's not there. I distract myself. But really I've been very damaged by my past life. I've been mentally scarred by it.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Love the dancing frog @Former-Member ..... 💕


Hearing you @eudemonism ..... not sure if you like hugs, so here is a fist-bump, cos I am thinking of you .... 🤜🤛


Hey frog.  Hope you're feeling a little better at this end of the day .... 💚🐸

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in


I hear you @eudemonism 

its hard feeling out of control of our very selves sometimes, hypersensitive and easily triggered. I do it all the time. On & off, up and down. So over it!

I have yet to find God’s purpose in suffering. But you’re not alone, we’re not alone and one day we will understand all things. Just do the best you can, that’s all we can do 💜

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope 💕