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Daily goals, motivation and check in

I'm starting this discussion as a place where we can set our goals daily, help motivate each other to do them and then check in with how we went. It's a place to celebrate when we achieve them or just sit with each other if we didnt and are feeling down about it. Hopefully with encouragement and support from each other we'll tick lots of boxes for our daily goals and feel good about it. Please join in. 😊

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Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

I'm just tagging some people that I think might be interested.

@oceangirl, @Former-Member, @Phoenix_Rising, @Former-Member, @Pepsimax, @ @Zoe7, @Former-Member, @Former-Member

ill tag more later. Need to dash now

my goal today clean bedding. I'll check in later

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in


my goal today is to follow my gym program and get back on track with eating more healthy

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

A 'daily check list of goals, for encouragement & accountability, is a really good idea @Former-Member, (especially for us too often paralysed depressives lol). My only fear is becoming competitive or having a sense of public shame when we fail. But I'm guessing this is more a nonjudgmental moral support. I need to trust more & not compare myself. Having said that, I think just being motivated to list the things we WANT, or NEED to get done in a day, well, then its more likely to happen. So far today all I've done is the mountain of dishes (which is something since I've put it off for many days, oops). My plan (if i can stay focused) was / is:
- dishes (days catch there) √
- sweep floor (pick up, grr)
- unpack car from trip & put away
- shower (also well overdue)

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

This is me @Former-Member. Any competition I'll be the loser :face_with_rolling_eyes:. I'm thinking that I'll be having some days will have my daily goal just to survive. Nothing to do or achieve but just to get through. Some days it will be shower because we haven't for 4 days

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

As I'm on heavy anti-psychotics I wanna overdo exercise to keep my shape. Also giving up smoking and drinking and coffee.

My day looks like this:

5am wake up

2 hours cardio

Cold shower or swim

Work for 5 hours

2 hours cardio

Looking to drop down to 68kgs then start body weight exercise to bring me back up to 94kgs muscle. I've done it before and it needs to be done again.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in


Completed my exercise for the day and on track with eating more healthy. I went to my GP and my BP is the best she has ever had been at- so she said she is really proud of me.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Phoenix-RISING said:
I achieved my two goals - well done me. I have to work hard at feeling good about that, rather than feeling frustrated that those goals only took me until around mid-day and then I crashed and had to go and snuggle under my weighted blanket for a few hours. I have to keep telling myself that it is better to achieve something rather than nothing, even if the something is still far less than I want to achieve. If I take one tiny baby step per day towards getting out of my muddle, then in a week I will have taken seven baby steps...which is much better than taking none!

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in


@oceangirl way yo go 💜🤗