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Re: Budgeting Page

Hello @Historylover yes I'm still around! I hope you are doing ok. I got locked out of the forums for some reason and was unable to get back in. For some reason a page kept coming up saying I was denied access because I lived outside of Australia!  Then if I tried to change my password to log in I never received new password link in my e-mails. I thought I may have been banned. Thank you for asking after me I'm doing well and missed you all on here. I've just been able to finally log back in after trying to figure out what was going on!

Re: Budgeting Page

I was getting very concerned about you, @Former-Member. You're usually about and always answer posts. Good to hear that all is well and to see you back on board.

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Re: Budgeting Page

Thanks @Historylover. How are your outdoor sports activities going and your depot? When I was on depot I would walk but it used to take it out of me. Don't know how you are coping with exercise on it but the depot used to slow me down. I'm still walking and now in addition doing grip strength exercises every day as grip is an overall indicator of health, strength and mortality. I go to a flying fox in the park each day and just use it to improve my grip. Have been able to maintain 7 seconds. Got to build it up to 1 minute


Checked my astrology cosmobiology (health zodiac) with an astrologer from twitter who occasionally puts out free advice and my joints, bones and tendons needed support. I'm 54 so makes sense. She recommended a Scheussler Tissue Salt but it had lactose in it and the tincture version had alcohol. Went across to a collagen supplement but something like $57/month which was not doable.


Got a mass email from a doctor who recommended just making bone broth instead!  Its more affordable and you know whats it it. Making some for my joints bones and tendons this morning again!


Slow Cooker.jpeg


Re: Budgeting Page

My sport is going well so far, @Former-Member. Carpet bowls, tennis and now table tennis as well. I also started volunteering at an op shop and will do that for a while too. Privately, I'm making a study of paleoanthropology. I was thinking of doing a short course and looked into YouTube to get a feel for it, but the course may not be necessary now. All is well for the moment, so I'll just keep enjoying it for as long as it lasts. 


The injection doesn't affect me anymore. I am over the total exhaustion and the Parkinson gait. Nothing more damaging than medication that isn't needed though. I noticed on the packet that full price is over $219 for which I pay $6.90. Just goes to show how much money the government has wasted for them by unnecessary prescriptions. 


Good to see that you're looking after your health. My feet have improved out of sight since I got my car. I don't walk now but 3 days of sport and one at the op shop should have a beneficial effect too. And the new social aspect is very enjoyable.


54? You're just a kid.

Re: Budgeting Page

Thankyou thankyou @Former-Member 

