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Re: Budgeting Page

interesting... that was the phase under which I was also born... the last night of the full moon in September... so many moons ago ! 😄


Thank you @SmilingGecko 🙏

Re: Budgeting Page

How much do your appliances cost to run? You need to know this to keep bills down. I signed up for a visit from an environmental scientist many years ago as part of a community development initiative through the Uniting Church.  She told me how to do these cool calculations below to get a handle on what it costs to keep your appliances going. Here is how its done:
You need to know 3 things to work out how much your appliance costs to run which will be explained in further detail below:
* How much electricity the appliance uses in watts - convert this to kW
* How many hours you use the appliance
* The rate that you pay for electricity (convert this into dollars)
So, to identify how much electricity an appliance uses look for the label on the back of the appliance showing the Watts (W).
1000Watts = 1 kW.
Most new appliances have an energy star label. The number in the red box on the energy rating sticker tells you how many Kilowatts (kWh) the appliance will use in one year. Try and purchase an appliance with the lowest number of kWH you can afford.
The energy star stickers look like this:
Screen Shot 2023-11-02 at 4.10.54 pm.png


How many hours is the appliance used? 3 and a half hours = 3.5 hours, 3 and a 1/4 hours = 3.25 hours
The rate is found on the back of your electricity bill in dollars, check the tariff price
Therefore for example if you had a 2000Watt (2kW) heater and ran it for 6 hours each day, it would cost $3 per day, the maths are:
You convert 2000Watts to kW ie 2kW
multiply by hours used 6 hours
then multiply by tariff on the back of the bill
2kW x 6 hours x $0.25 tariff = $3 It will therefore cost $3 per day
So there you have it, it will enable you to get a greater idea of how much energy your appliances are using and keep your bills down!



Re: Budgeting Page

I really appreciate the thought, time, and effort you must put into posts like this @SmilingGecko 


Thank you! What a glowing example of community spirit and generosity. 

God bless ! 

Re: Budgeting Page



I always listen to free podcasts on traditional chinese medicine. The doctor I follow puts out a lot of empowering and useful information. He has unique insights and has kind of, well re-packaged traditional chinese medicine in a way that has universal appeal to today's world.


One thing I came across was the topic of building strong blood in the body which has the flow on effect of reducing the desire to part with your money and stopping you from participating in consumer culture. I wondered how would this have the end result of achieving this aim. It did not seem plausible but I just had to delve in further.


I thought for a start well hey that would be good for anyone who wants to keep their budget in check and prevent spending impulses leading to regretful purchases and putting you "in the red".  I think we can all be guilty of that but according to him building blood can counteract this desire.


He said in one of his podcasts that with strong blood you can then walk past commodities in the store and you just won't buy. There will be no inclination to spend!!! That he says is what happened to him and of course is a bit of an insider secret in Chi-Gong circles


The tip off of course is dropping into a Chi-Gong posture called "horse stance" if you don't want to do any other Chi-Gong then this is a pretty good posture to master as you will be able to use it to conquer any difficult situation life throws at you providing you with both strength and persistence. So it may be a good quick and easy practice to start building more tenacity in the mind and body.


I wanted to ask this TCM doctor why is this so? I contacted him and he provided a clue as to why this posture is so effective at building strong blood.  Here is what he had to say:


"So your query in regards to building blood with horse stance Chi-Gong is a huge topic that can fill a book. In a nutshell its about channeling cosmic chi into the blood as this is the vitality aspect of Chinese medicine. Standing Pole Chi-Gong (horse stance) enables the mind to settle. The Yang resides and the Yin will be nourished. The meditation during the practice then allows the cosmic chi to "enter" the body and fill the blood"


Anyway I have decided to give this practice a try. Its somewhat challenging to do as it can be difficult sinking into the posture and holding yourself there for any extended length of time. The results however aren't instant but rather are cumulative. 


So who hasn't got several minutes a day to sink into this quick and easy posture with other outstanding ancilliary benefits?  I think going by what I've seen you can fit it into your daily routine  while even brushing your teeth! I think I will adopt this practice and see how I go not just for the intended stated outcomes I'm focussed on in this post.


I've just cherry picked an article below on how to properly do the Horse Stance practice. It offers precise guidance on how to hold the exact posture. All you got to do is linger there until you just can't take it anymore lol and build up from there.


I think I would love to be in such a proper controlled mindset even more than I am now in the frugality zone. I have also included this comical video which features Jackie Chan and some other Kung Fu Masters on how to do the posture yourself at home easily.


Let me know if you want to give this a try and if you intend to use it as an easy fix to your budgeting situation.  It would be interesting to experience this first hand as a way to enjoy greater mastery over ourselves. We can't afford to be lax in the current economic climate. Inflation is only going to get worse and those small rewards we sometimes buy ourselves as a treat from time to time may not always be feasible.


Why not instead just enjoy strong blood?


@Kyle1 @Blackbird11 @Dimity @Notakoala @Historylover @Meowmy @StuF @TAB @hanami @MDT @Appleblossom 


➡️📧 If you want to learn traditional Shaolin Kung Fu or train your body to be Fit for Life, apply here: ➡️🦾Forms & Applications Training Scheduler find out more and get access here: ➡️➡️ You can get even more details ...

Re: Budgeting Page

Hey @SmilingGecko 

Sounds interesting... I think I'll give it a go when brushing my teeth tonight 😁

Re: Budgeting Page

You have a way of adding value @SmilingGecko Quality


@Notakoala @Dimity @Kyle1 @Blackbird11 

Re: Budgeting Page

this may find a place here..?



Re: Budgeting Page

Certainly @Kyle1 feel free to post away! I'm a bit like that putting purchases on hold for 24 hours. Another thing you can do if you have to buy something on ebay for example click to watch the item and usually the seller will issue a discount within a day or so as they have seen your presence hovering over the item you want to buy. Its a cheats way of saving a few extra dollars! 

Re: Budgeting Page



I just love Dr Virtual7 Empowered Dynamics you tube channel with all kinds of wonderful free treasures which has always made my life just that bit better in so many ways. If you haven't come across it yet its worth looking around the channel for a quick squiz


With the Scorpio new moon on Monday this week thought some folks may benefit from a debt elimination strategy that will power up your subconscious mind so your outside world will then reflect your inner reality. 


It would make a nice enhancement to whatever financial measures you allready have in place and especially if your budget is somewhat wanting given the current economic climate we're in. 


With cost of living pressures and being on a restrictive income debt can sometimes enter into the picture.


Scorpio rules debts of all kinds and a scorpio new moon is the best way to get the ball rolling and leverage a bit of much needed change and take the pain out of guessing what to do next. 


I have also found strengthening the root chakra to be especially beneficial to your money situation as it lays the foundations and provides more security and surer footing with your cash as root chakra rules the health of your economic situation. 


Many wealthy people know this ancient secret even though it does has spiritiual origins but it indeed holds very true.  I've seen it promoted in wealth circles.


There are many ways to balance your chakras and there are of course easy an accessible sound frequencies you can listen to off you tube even for just the root chakra alone if it just needs a bit more of tweaking. 


You dont have to use sanskrit seed sounds if thats not your thing but there ARE frequencies you can listen to that do exactly the same thing.


Giving your root chakra some much needed attention and care can bring much needed balance to a situation that may have gone out of control.  It will stop you spending money unnecessarily and you will feel a greater sense of stewardship over your money.


As for subliminals which I'm citing for this post I found this lovely audio from Dr. Virtual 7 Empowered Dynamics. Here it is folks:


All you need to do is listen to the you tube audio in a loop. 


I use a you tube looper website which does not have viruses on it as many of them do so take extra care when looking around for a you tube looper.


Best to consult an up to date and reliable PCMag article on the best you tube looper websites so you don't download something you DON'T want. I then just put on my ipod and listen with earphones


If you find yourself in debt this may be another bow to your arrow to get back in the black. It will gently reprogram your subconscious to accept a new reality causing outside patterns to coalesce around this new set of input suggestions.


Even if you are not facing hardship please consider passing along this post to someone you think could benefit from it. We could all do with some empowerment as our finances have so much bearing on our mental and psychological health and overall state of wellbeing. 


Listening to it for half an hour a day could literally change your life and get control over your finances.


@Kyle1 @Appleblossom @Blackbird11 @Dimity @Notakoala @NatureLover @TAB @Meowmy

@Glisten @tonys 






Debt reduction Experimental subliminal software program to payoff debt. Debt forgiveness = Erased. Expert Quality Affirmations - spoken below the normal range of hearing. Listen 2 or 3 times every day or night. Download here_ Paypal users ...

Re: Budgeting Page

Thanks again @SmilingGecko 😀